Chapter Sixteen

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"Jaha! Please! Save him!" Abby screams at him.

"You save him." Jaha says holding the antidote in his hand.

"Fine! I'll do it. Just let me help him!" Abby says.

Jaha holds the key up, "open your mouth."

Abby hesitates then slowly opens her mouth. Jaha places the key in. She closes her mouth.

Someone bursts in the door and knocks Jaha out. Abby spits the key out.

"Hey you okay?" Bellamy asks untying her.

"The antidote." Abby says ripping it from Jaha's hand and injecting it into Marcus. "Come on." Abby says. "Come on Marcus."

Marcus starts coughing. Abby let's out a breath of relief.

"Hey. We gotta go." Bellamy says.

Abby stands up and follows him, "where's Callie?" Abby asks.

"Stealing a rover." Bellamy said.

"Guys! Over here!" Callie yells as she hops in the rover.

Bellamy and Abby got in the rover after Callie. Callie starts the rover and zooms out of the building and out of Arkadia.

"Okay. We have got to end this now!" Callie yells as she drove.

"I agree. Bellamy did you find a radio tower?" Abby asks.

"Yeah. Its not far from the cave. I think it will work." Bellamy says.

They reach the cave and get back to work.

"Everything's done." Callie says coming to sit down by Abby. "What's wrong?" Callie asks.

"I almost killed him Callie." Abby says.


"Marcus. Jaha and him were trying to get me to take the key. Marcus poisoned himself." Abby says.

"What happened?" Callie asks.

"I was so close to swallowing the key. Lucky Bellamy burst in when he did, or I would be one of them."

"Its not him." Callie says, "its not the real Marcus. He didn't do that to you."

"I know. I'm just ready for this to be over." Abby says.

"Me too. We just have to wait till the wristband charges up, then we are good to go." Callie says.

"I want you to have him." Abby says.

"Excuse me?" Callie asks.

"I can't." Abby says.

"Abby you're not making any sense." Callie says.

"I want you to be with Marcus. I can't be in a relationship right now." Abby says.

"No. I can't accept this. He loves you. He might have loved me on the Ark, but he loves you now." Callie pauses and then continues when Abby says nothing, "to be honest he never loved me. I was just the girl he came to when he needed to get his mind off of the problems on the Ark."

"He cared about you Callie." Abby says.

"Yeah. But he doesn't love me. He loves you. He's always loved you."

"Guys! We have a problem!" Bellamy yells.

Callie and Abby jump up and run toward where Bellamy is. "James." Abby says squatting down making sure he is okay.

"Callie. I have a really bad idea. Get me that contraption we are using to release a shockwave." Abby says.

"Why?" Callie asks.

"Just do it." Abby says.

Callie leaves then quickly returns, "here." Callie says.

Abby hooks the machine up to his neck and presses the button. Abby unhooks the contraption and gives it to Callie.

"Come on. Give me this one. Let me save this one. Come on James. Come on." Abby says holding his head.

His eyes flutter open. "Abby?"

Abby smiles, "hey."

"Hi." James says.

Abby helps him sit up, James hugs Abby, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me."

Abby pulls away from him, "its fine. It wasn't you. We need your help." Abby says.

"Anything." James says.

Yay!!! Another chapter!!


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