Chapter Six

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Okay. Literally. I hate my school. So we had this chemistry test right? And almost everyone failed it. So the teacher is going to make us retake it. One kid made a 100. He didn't have to take it. Which is understandable. I have to retake is. I made a 95. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! THAT IS SO UNFAIR. I MISSED TWO FREAKING QUESTIONS!!! UGH!!! Enough ranting enjoy.

They all climb out of the vehicle when it comes to a stop.

"Come on Marcus. Let's go find those cameras." Callie says tugging him by the hand.

Abby turns to Lincoln and Ocatvia. "You two can watch the entrance if that's fine with you." Abby suggests.

"Sounds great to us chancellor." Octavia says.

Bellamy and Abby head to the dining area of level five. They sit down in a chair.

"So much for running. What are you going to do now?" Bellamy asks.

"I don't know." Abby says rubbing her face with her hands. "Push them away."

"Come on Abby. What's that gonna do?" Bellamy asks.

"At least I would be doing something." Abby says sternly.

"The only thing you would be doing is destroying yourself. Do you really want to do that?"

"Who cares? Clearly not Marcus. And Callie? She's too blind to even see there was something between me and Marcus."

"Kane is not going to let you do that. He still cares." Bellamy says.

Abby looks down, "I know." She says softly. She sighs as she stands up. "You need me, I'll be in the drilling room."


"So what happened between you and Abby?" Callie asks as she untangles wires.

"What?" Marcus asks a little too quickly.

Lucky for him, Callie doesn't notice. "Clearly something happened. Something changed. I mean on the Ark she hated you and down here." Callie pauses shaking her head, "she doesn't."

"You said it yourself. The ground changes people." Marcus says, trying to shrug it off.

"So what? She hates her best friend and loves her enemy. I just don't get it." Callie said.

"Callie. A lot happened before you got here. She doesn't hate you. She just has a lot to deal with right now. She.....she lost someone she loved."

"Jake? His death has been hard on all of us. Not just her." Callie says.

"Not Jake. Someone else."

"Clarke? I haven't seen her around. What happened to her? Did someone kill her?" Callie asks.

"No. Clarke is with the commander of the grounders. Its complicated." Marcus says.

"Then who did she lose?" Callie pushes.

"I can't say. It wouldn't be right for me to say. You'll have to take it up with Abby."

Callie nods in understanding, "will she be alright?"

"I hope so." Marcus says.

After a couple hours, Callie has everything she needs and the two walk back to rejoin the group. They come across Bellamy.

"Where's Abby?" Callie asks.

"You two done?" Bellamy asks ignoring the question.

"Yes. Where's Abby?" Marcus says restating Callie's question.

"I'll go get her." Bellamy says as he walks out.

Bellamy finds Abby sitting on the tables she was once strapped to.

"Come on. Callie and Marcus are done." Bellamy says.

"Take them home." Abby said, Not looking up.

"Don't do this. I mean even if I wanted to leave you here to die, Kane wouldn't. No matter what you want to do, you have to come back. You know that."

"I'm not staying here. Or running away. Its just...I need a couple more hours." Abby said.

Bellamy sighs, "fine. But if you're not back by tonight. I'm coming back for you. I won't let another Griffin woman run away because of a stupid emotion."

Abby looks up at him, "thank you."

Bellamy looks confused, "for what?"

"For being my friend and not giving up on me." Abby says.

"You better be back by nightfall." Bellamy says walking out of the room.

Bellamy meets up with Marcus and Callie. "Hey. Where's Abby?" Callie asks.

"She said she'll be right behind us. Something about how she needs some time to think." Bellamy says.

"I'll stay with her. Bellamy take Callie home."

"No. I'll stay with you."

"Callie. Please. Go back home." Marcus says.

"But-" Callie begins.

"You need to help Bellamy take care of our people. I'll be back by nightfall. Tomorrow morning tops."

Callie let's out a sigh, "fine." She goes out to the vehicle.

"I'll tell Lincoln to Tie up his horse for you and Abby."

"Thank you Bellamy."

"Oh and Kane. You might want to show her you give a crap." Bellamy says walking out.

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