Chapter seven

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Marcus walks into the room and freezes. Memories come flooding back. Bad memories. Memories that often keep him up at night. So much blood. Being held prisoner. Abby's screams.

He flashes back to reality at the sound of Abby's voice. "Go. Away." Her voice sounds so wounded. So broken.

Marcus walks toward her. "What are you doing?"

"The only thing I'm good at. " Abby replies, still looking down.

Marcus sits by her, "and what would that be?"

"Being alone." Abby says letting a tear slip down her cheek.

"I told you I will never leave you alone. I can't lose you." Marcus says.

"Its fine. Being alone is good for me and everyone around me. Because when I'm alone. I don't wake anyone up when I start screaming."

Once again the memories come flooding back. Abby's screams. That's all he hears.


(About one week after Mount weather)

Marcus's eyes jolt awake. He hears a scream. He knows that scream.


He runs. Fast. He limps slightly due to his injury that hasn't quite healed. He rushes into medical to see Abby struggling to sleep. Screaming in her sleep.

He walks over to where she is laying on the floor. He lays down beside her and puts his arms around her.

"Hey its okay. You're fine. You're safe." He mummers in her ear.

She stills almost immediately. He kisses behind her ear and down her neck.

"I'm right here. I'm right here." He reassures her.

"I love you." She mummers still asleep.

"I love you too Abby. And I promise you. You will never ever be alone again. I promise."

Present Day

He flashes back to reality. "You don't get to push me away. Not like when Tom was here." He says, putting a hand right above her knee.

"Marcus." Abby says standing up. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply. "Its what's best for you." Another tear rolls down her cheek. "And Callie."

"No. Its not Abby." Marcus walks up to her. Abby is till turned away from him. He wraps his arms around her, "its going to be okay."

Abby pulls out of his hold and turns toward him. "That's just it! Its not! Clarke's gone! Callie's back! And top of it all I haven't had any real sleep in three days beacause you're not-"

Abby stops realizing what she's about to say. She looks down, trying to regain her composure.

"Because I'm not what?" Marcus asks walking closer to her.

Abby backs up, still looking down and hits the wall. She sighs and looks up into his dark brown eyes. "Because you're not there."

"Abby if you need me there's all you have to do is ask me. You know that. I love you."

"But she loves you too. She needs you. And I accept that. I get it. But I can't be around her. Especially when I know she's with you."

"Abby. She's your best friend. Don't push her way."

"Friendship's a luxury we can't afford."

"Don't do this. Don't become that person." Marcus says.

"What person?" Abby asks.

"Me! Like I was on the Ark! Abby. Please I'm begging you." Marcus pleads.

They stare at each other. Marcus turns and walks to the other side. He sighs, "you were going to leave weren't you?"

"Isn't that the best option for everyone?" Abby says.

He turns back to her, "you would leave your people without a leader."

"They wouldn't be without  a leader. They would have you." Abby says.

"Abby. You're not just our leader. You're our doctor."

"Jackson seems to be doing fine and he has been teaching other people." Abby says.

He walks to her, clenching his hands. He breathes in and out slowly, trying to calm down. "Listen. I am trying to understand but I can't just....." He sighs, "I can't if you won't talk to me."

"How am I supposed to talk to someone. To you when she..." Another tear falls. Abby closes her eyes.

Marcus walks up to her, her eyes still closed. He grabs her hands. Abby's eyes remain closed. Marcus leans in and kisses her. Abby flinches at his touch, but then relaxes as he continues to kiss her. Abby kisses him back, her hands going to his hair. His hands move to her neck.  Her beautiful, soft neck. Marcus pushes her against the wall.

"Marcus. We. Can't." Abby says between kisses.

Marcus pushes her harder against the wall. "I. Don't. Care." He says sternly.

"Stop." Abby says pushing Marcus away from her. He looks down, but then raises his eyes to meet hers.

"Abby-" Marcus says trying to kiss her again, but Abby keeps her hands on his chest preventing him from moving toward her.

"come on." She says walking away from him. He follows her.

"Abby. The exit is that way." Marcus says in confusion.

"Who said we're going back to camp?" She says, pushing open a door.

He looks at the room, then back at her, "Abby? Are you sure?" He says as they take a step in the room.

"Shut up Marcus." She says before she kisses him.They continue to kiss as Marcus shuts the door behind them.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated. Wattpad has been acting up. The app hasn't been loading so I had to do out from the internet. Did anyone else cry last night because Kabby?? Abby kissing him on the cheek was soooo precious!!! And he was all like "what was that?"
Come on Kane!! Get with the program!!

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