chapter Five

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^^Really obsessed with making those edits^^^^

Abby looks up when she hears the soft knock at her door. Bellamy stands in the opening, "you asked to see me chancellor." Bellamy said.

"Yes. Bellamy. Come in. Take a seat, " Abby said motioning toward a chair.

Bellamy nervously sits down, "am I in trouble?"

"No. No. You're not in trouble. I'm leaving in the morning to go to mount weather. I just need to make sure the camp will remain in order while I'm gone." Abby said sitting on the table.

Bellamy stands up. "Well how long are you going to be gone?" He asks concerned.

Abby looks down. "I don't know. A couple weeks. Maybe more."

"Don't do this. Abby this camp needs you. You're not just our chancellor. You're our doctor too."

Abby sighs. "I'll come back to camp I just need some time to myself. To think."

"Kane will kill me. When he finds out. What am I supposed to tell him. That you need time." Bellamy says. Abby doesn't answer. So Bellamy continues, "like mother like daughter."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"It's means that you think that its okay to just leave and screw the consequences. Right?" Bellamy says.

"And the alternative?" Abby pushes.

"Stay here. Move past this. Be a strong leader. A good leader."

"Being a leader is not my strong suit." Abby says.

"You've done pretty good so far." Bellamy replies.

"Yeah. Because I've had Marcus! But now I don't." Abby says.

"So your answer is running away! Running does nothing. You truly want to move past this. Do the right thing. Stay."

Abby gets up and walks over to a map. She stares intensely at it. As if trying to memorize it quickly.

"Besides. This is Kane we're talking about. He's not going to let you downslide and fall."

"Have you seen him lately? He's in love with Callie." Abby says.

"You know what I think? I think you tell yourself that so it makes it easier to leave." Bellamy says walking out of the room, but he stops at the doorway. "At least let me come with you to mount weather."

Abby sighs, "okay."

The next morning

Abby waits at the gate for Lincoln, Octavia, and Bellamy. She has her backpack on and she glances around nervously when her eyes catch something.

Oh. No. Please. No.

Marcus and Callie are heading her way with backpacks on.

"We're ready to go Chancellor." Callie jokes.

"I told you. You two are not coming." Abby says.

"Well. I need those cameras and I know that I'm the only one thats going that is capable and Marcus Is going cause I need help carrying things." Callie says.

Marcus smirks and looks at her, "come on Abby. It'll be okay."

Abby looks up into his eyes. She sighs,"okay. Fine you can come."

"Yes!" Callie says.

"Hey abs. How are you today?" Says a voice.

"Hey James. Can you do me a huge favor?" Abby says turning and walking up to him.

"Anything for you." James says with a wink. Marcus can't help put feel a pang of jealousy.

"Can you keep an eye on the camp while I'm gone?" Abby asks.

"Of course. Don't worry. Just go do your thing." James says.

"Thank you." Abby replies.

Lincoln, Octavia, and Bellamy walk up. "Everyone ready?" Octavia asks.

"Yep." Callie says.

Bellamy looks at Abby. "I don't think you two should come." He says toward Marcus and Callie.

"And why not Bellamy?" Marcus asks.

Bellamy opens his mouth, but Abby stops him, "its okay Bellamy. I've talked to them about it. Its okay. Let's just get out of here."

They all pile into the vehicle except for Lincoln and Octavia who get on their horses and they all head toward mount weather.

Meant to publish this last night.. Whoops.

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