Chapter Nineteen

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"Callie. Hurry. That door isn't going to hold forever." Bellamy says.

"I'm trying!" Callie screams as she hooks the machine up to the controls of the radio tower.

"No offense Bellamy, but I think the reapers are the least of our problems." Abby says.

"Got it!" Callie says. She looks at the monitor. "All we have to do is wait for this to warm up, then it will be ready to activate."

"How long?" Abby asks.

"About two hours." Callie says.

"Callie. Can you speed it up?" Abby asks.

"I don't know. What's the problem?" Callie asks.

"I don't like being on a time crunch." Abby replies.

"Hey guys. Come look at this." Bellamy says, dragging them up some stairs and through a door.

They are standing on a balcony overlooking the entrance where they came in.

"Wow." Callie says, "this is-"

"Incredible." Abby finishes for her.

"When I found this place. I came up here. Its beautiful. It reminds you of the good things in life." Bellamy says.

"The good things." Abby echoes.

Abby loses track of time. She closes her eyes and feels the breeze on her face. She feels almost....peaceful.

"Oh no." Callie says. "Look." She says pointing.

Abby and Bellamy look across the land an din the distance they see a horde of people heading their way.

"Well. Time to die." Bellamy says opening the door and going back down the stairs. Abby and Callie follow him.

"James?" Abby asks into the walkie.

"Yeah Abby?" He asks.

"The army's here. How long till the bomb goes off?" Abby asks.

"About fifteen minutes." James says, looking at his watch.

Abby looks at Callie. "It's going to be close, but I think we're going to make it.

"James. Listen to me. I need you to get out of camp. In case the bomb goes off early. I don't want to lose you too." Abby says into the walkie.

"Okay. I'm headed you're way now." James says into the walkie.

"See you soon." Abby says.

"All the doors and other areas of entrance are boarded and blocked." Bellamy says.

"We just have to last fifteen minutes." Abby says.

The mob of people reach the radio tower. They begin to bang and beat on the doors.

Bellamy loads the guns and hands one to Callie, then Abby.

"Ready for this?" He asks Abby.

"Just another day on the ground right?" Abby replies. Bellamy chuckles in response.


Sinclair and Jackson are in the war room awaiting news of the attack on the radio tower and the resistance.

A.L.I.E. appeared before them. "They knew." She says staring off into he distance. "They have the entrances blocked. They knew we were coming." She continues.

"How?" Jackson asks. "Everyone in Arkadia submitted except the ones in the resistance and they are all at the radio tower." He says.

"Unless they were listening in." Sinclair says.

"They weren't. I would have caught it." A.L.I.E. says walking toward the map. "We have a mole. Take the rest of the people and camp. Find the mole. He is still here." She says.

"Yes. Heda." Sinclair and Jackson say leaving the room.

Radio tower

Bellamy, Callie, and Abby have their guns aimed at the door. None of A.L.I.E.'s minions have broken through yet, but they're close.

They stand there, fingers resting on the trigger.

A hand breaks through the door. "Callie." Abby says nervously.

Callie checks the monitor. "Still needs a few minutes."

People began to swarm into the room. The three people separate and start to fight people. No guns have gone off yet.

Cliffhanger!!! Guys like one more chapter!! Thanks for sticking with this story!!

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