Introduction to book 3

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Its late when Abby finally makes it back to the radio tower.

"Abby." Callie says walking toward her. "Are you okay?"

Abby looks up and sees Marcus and Bellamy talking. Her and Marcus make eye contact. She forces her eyes back to Callie.

"I killed them. Its all my fault." Abby says.

"What? No. You saved most of our people." Callie says.

Marcus and Bellamy take a couple steps toward them.

"It was my plan. My choice. Jackson. Sinclair. James. They're all dead cause of me."

"Abby." Marcus says stepping in front of Callie. "Abby you saved me. All of us out here. You did good." He tells her.

Abby nods. "We should all get some sleep." She says.

"I agree." Callie says.

Later that night

Abby wakes up. She gets up and grabs her bag. She walks over to Marcus.

"I'm so sorry." She mutters. "I never wanted any of this to happen." She puts a note in the front pocket of his bag. "I love you."

She walks away from the temporary camp their people have set up.

After she gets a good way away from camp she hears Callie.

"Abby. Where are you going?" She asks.

"I'm leaving. I can't stay here. Not right now. I just need time to think." Abby says.

"No. I can't accept that. You deserve to be with Marcus. You two deserve to live a happy life." Callie says.

"Take care of them." Abby says.

"Where are you going go?" Callie asks.

"I don't know. Just make sure Marcus will be okay." Abby says.

"You know I will." Callie says.

"Tell him. I'm sorry. And I do love him." Abby says.

Callie nods, "be careful." She says then hugs Abby.

"You too." Abby says.

Aww!! A Clarke/Abby parallel
I know. I know. You guys are probably going to hate me for this ending.

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