Chapter Thirteen

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"You know you broke his heart right?" Marcus says to Abby, who is sitting across the room in a chair.

"What?" Abby asks.

"Marcus. You broke his heart. Now that he's in the city of light. His worry and pain are over with." Marcus says.

"Get out of his head A.L.I.E." Abby says walking toward him.

"Why? So he can go back to his miserable life." A.L.I.E asked.

"So he can be human." Abby said.

"He is human. He makes choices on his own."

"No. You make choices for him. You have taken his mind away from him. Now give it back." Abby says.

"You want him to feel pain." A.L.I.E. says.

"I want him to feel emotions. That is what makes us human. Why don't you get that?" Abby screamed at A.L.I.E.

"You're hurting. You're angry. I can sense it. I can take away the pain. The anger. You just have to let me." A.L.I.E. said.

"Why would I do that?" Abby asked.

"Cause in a week, all the people in your camp who haven't submitted will die."

Abby looked at Marcus for a minute. "What are you planning A.L.I.E.?"

A smirk appears on Marcus's face, but its not his smirk. "Something big. And you will never ever be able to stop me."

"I love you." Abby says.

"If you loved him, then why did you push him away, causing him pain?"

"Cause I was afraid he would choose her!" Abby yelled.

"Abby?" James yelled as him and Callie rushed into the room. "What's wrong?"

"He's gone." Abby said. "I can't get him back. This is all my fault. He took the chip because I was afraid to be with him."

"That's not true." James said.

"Actually it is." Callie said stepping forward, "this is all your fault! He took this because of your stubbornness! I loved him! And you took that. Took him from me! Now fix this Thompson!"

The use of Abby's maiden name caused her to flinch, "Callie?"

"I love him. And if you don't fix this. If he dies. You and me are going to have some serious problems." Callie says.

"What do you want me to do!? I am doing the best I can!" Abby screamed.

Marcus smiles deviously. A.L.I.E.'s tearing the resistance apart.

"Well its not good enough." Callie said. "I loved him. Why did you have to screw that up?"

"I don't know." Abby muttered.

"You know looking back. It seems all you have ever done is screw my life up." Callie said. "Stealing Jake. Knowing he was the love of my life. Making me choose between Marcus and you. Pushing me farther away whenever I did choose Marcus. And now this. You just can't stop. Can you?"

"Callie-" Abby says.

"Maybe that's why your still alive. Maybe that's why I'm still alive. I can't die until Abigail Thompson has screwed my life up completely. So what are you waiting for? An invitation? Go ahead. Do your worst. I'm not competing anymore. I'm done." Callie says walking out.

"That went better then I expected." Marcus said.

"You want me to sedate him?" James asked.

"No. Just keep an eye on Callie." Abby said.

"As you wish." James said leaving the room.

"We could've been happy. You know that right?" Marcus asks. "We could still be happy. In the-"

"City of light. I know." Abby finishes for him.

"Then what's stopping you? Untie me. Take my hand and we can leave. You and me. That's what it always come down to. Let's go. Start a life."

"I can't. I have to stop A.L.I.E. and if you have ever loved me. Trusted me, then tell me what she is up to. Please."

"I loved you. I truly did. But I can't tell you that. Come with me. Please. Don't make me the bad guy."

"For some reason. I think its too late for that." Abby said.


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