Chapter 8: Mannequins

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[Jack's POV]

"BOB! CAN YE DRIVE ANY FASTER?" I yelled in a panicked manner. Bob was going fifteen over the speed limit as it was, and Wade was shivering, looking as though he was about to vomit.
"I'm going as fast as I can!"
"I know! But go faster!" I screamed, starting to tear up. The one thing I needed the most in my life, is taken away from me the moment I get it. I couldn't be more scared, upset, angry, and confused. Who would want to do this?
"We're almost there." Bob calmly said. He slowed down, and turned left, as the GPS directed him to do. I looked around, and gave a sigh of disgust. Great. It's in the middle of a forest. But it wasn't just a normal forest. It was one of the creepiest forests you could ever imagine.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked.
"Unfortunately." Bob answered. "By the way, are we supposed to go with you? I mean, we will if we need to, but if you want to do it alone, it's fine by us." He chuckled a tiny bit.
"I'm doing this alone." I replied in a serious tone."
"Alright, this is the place." The car halts, and I run up to the door of the cabin. It was a decent size, and it was enough to scare the shit out of me. I read the note placed on the door.

Behind this door is a gauntlet of some of not only societies' worst fears, but also your own fears. Are you ready?

You must stay in each room for three minutes. After the three minutes, the next door was will open.

Good luck, Jack.

I clenched my jaw, and burst through the door. Already I was shivering. Around the room, mannequins were scattered. Most of them were without clothes, some even without heads. I start to go around the room, looking for anything shifty, like blood or a doll or something. I see a shiny object in one of the corners of the room. I go over to it and crouch down, and I pick it up. A knife made me feel somewhat protected, although it probably wouldn't stand a chance against anything I was about to go against.

I ran to the corner that was nearest to the door, and sat down, knife in hand. I was heavily breathing, for I couldn't stand mannequins in video games, let alone real life.

After a long silence, I heard a click from the door, and open the door.

I need to save Mark. Please let him be ok. Please, please, please.

I will do anything for Mark. No matter what. No matter what is thrown at me.

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