Chpater 19: Another "Great" Mission

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[Jack's POV]

Are you willing to embarrass yourself for the one you love?

Go to this location, and run into the store naked. You must make your way all the way to the bathroom. There, you will find materials to cover yourself in the nearest stall to the door.

480 Pilot Drive

As crazy as this sounds, this was going to be one of the easiest missions yet. Sure, being naked in the middle of a store isn't one of the best or easiest things in the world, but at least I wasn't going to be surrounded by murderous dolls or having to walk fifty feet on a tight rope.

I drove to the location, slowly preparing myself for what I was about to do. I soon arrived at the Walmart it directed me to, and parked at the parking spot nearest to the doors. I stripped myself of my clothing, and began to run.

Immediately I was greeted by laughter and snickers from the people in the store, and I could feel their eyes staring at me. I knew the bathrooms had to be in the back of the store, so that's where I headed. I heard the employees either just laugh, or asking one another if they should call the police or not.

"Haha, that dude's naked!"
"...god damn clothes on!"
"We've all had those moments..."
"Isn't he that..... On YouTube?"

All the chatter did nothing but make me go faster. I spotted the bathroom, and ran as fast as I could, accidentally shoving people out of the way and excusing myself for being... Well... Naked. I burst through the bathroom door, and immediately locked myself in the first stall.

I began to breathe heavily, trying to relax myself from the running. I grab the note attached to the door, and decided to read it once I get to the car. I turned around, to find the "materials" to cover myself with.

"A TOWEL?! Are ye fuckin' kiddin' me?!"

I cover the half of my body with the towel, and braced myself to make a break for it, since I was afraid to get in trouble. I opened the door, and started to run, but accidentally tackled Caleb, who seemed to have just entered to restroom.

"Dude! What the hell?" Caleb barked in his monotone voice.
"I'm so sorry! It's a long story! I'm-"
"Jack. It's ok. Calm down."
I gave a sigh, and once again apologized.
"I'm sorry, Caleb, I just did one of my missions, and I was trying to rush out to my next one."
"Dude, you should totally just chill. It's 8 at night, you need to get some sleep."
"I can't. I need to find... Find..." I begin to stutter, tears starting to blur my vision.
"I admire you, Jack. You push yourself to the limit for the one you love. It's a remarkable trait." Caleb smiled a bit, patting me on the shoulder.
"What does it matter if I can't find him in the end?! Huh?!" I yelled, lashing out at him.
"Hmm... Knowing you, I'm sure you'll find him. Just make sure you'll do anything for that person, and you'll power through anything."

He left the room, and I waited for a moment. A minute later, I bolted straight out the door, gripping my towel and note, and sprinting to my car.

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