Chapter 23: Chase

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[Jack's POV]

I sprinted, trying to catch up to the person that was at the arena. The person in the hoodie kept on running, and led me into a forest. I slowly started to gain on him, slowly starting to run out of breath. Out of no where, he threw a ball of some sort at me. It hit me square in the face, and stopped me right in my tracks, making me fall to the ground. I quickly got back up, and continued to pursue the person.

After about another minute of running, the person tripped on a root sticking out of the ground. The person fell hard, landing on the ground, breaking the fall with their face. I heard a groan of pain, as I walked up to them. I took off their hood, revealing that it was a younger boy. He looked around 13 or 14, and also had a scrawny kind of build. He cowered in fear, begging for mercy.

"Please! Sir! I don't mean to-"
"Why.... Did you... Run?" I asked, panting through just about every word.
"Sir, I sincerely apologize! I, I live about five miles away! My dad... He was about to abuse me, and I ran as far as I could, and I ended up here, crazy as it sounds. I saw that creature in the sky, and ran to here, and saw you fight it. I took a video of it! See?" He took out his phone, and showed me a video of me fighting the beast. I picked him up off the ground, and brushed off the dirt that partially stained his clothing.

"You were amazing out there. What happened?" He asked me, questioning how the fight even happened.
"It's a long story. Now, I have to take you home." I answered, starting to walk him to my car. But he abruptly stopped me in my tracks.
"Please, sir! I know I'm just a stranger to you, but I can't go back there! My dad will literally kill me!"
"What am I supposed to do? I'm a nice person, I just don't know how I can help you."
"I know! Can you please give me a place to stay? For just a few days, I promise! Please?" He begged, as if he were a five year old child.
I groaned a slight bit, but smiled at him, and helped him out.
"Okay, for a few days. You'll just have to babysit my friends." I laughed, starting to walk back to my car.
"Of course! I'll do anything."
"Well, just do what is asked of you by me and my two friends, Bob and Wade. We are investigating something."
"Wow! So you guys are investigators?" He asked.
"Not exactly. I'll explain in the car."

We both walked to the car, talking about simple things such as hobbies and food.
"Hey, by the way sir, what is your name?" He asked.
"Jack, yourself?"
"Chase, ironically." He laughed, making me laugh as well.
"Ugh, you're a pretty fast runner, Chase."
"I get that a lot. Thank you for dealing with me, by the way."
"No problem. Just don't make me chase you down again."

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