Chapter 25: Nine

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[Jack's POV]

I glanced at the laptop placed on the table. It was recording me, what I was going to do. I sat down, briefly looking around the room. It appeared as though it was some sort of meat locker, and it felt pretty cold as well. There was what appeared to be a closet, which confused me, for I didn't understand why a meat locker needed a closet. I noticed there was a note placed directly beside the computer. I opened it, and started to feel nauseous reading what I was going to do.

You must cut off one of your toes, making the process visible to the camera as you do this. When you complete the task, the computer will reveal the next location. There are a few weapons of choice in the closet of this room, along with other necessary. 

I screamed in disgust, fear, anger, all the emotions that were coursing through me.  I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. But I then thought of Mark, and how much he needed me. I wasn't going to lose him. I needed him. I can do anything for him.

I walk to the closet, and open it. Inside of the closet were things that made me wince. There were knives, a chainsaw, a sword, and bandages. I chose the butcher knife, so it would... Make a clean cut. I grabbed the bandages, and took my shoe and sock off.

I rested my foot on the table, putting it in such a way that it was visible to the camera. I started to sweat tremendously, and my hands started to shake. I picked up the knife, about to saw it off. But I soon realized that I just have to hack it off, instead of slowly taking it off.

I stared at my pinky toe, starting to freak myself out even more. I started to tear up, but counted to three in my head.

I raised the knife higher, as my body seemed to be giving out
I couldn't contain my fear. I wince, but then remembered how much I loved Mark. I wasn't going to lose him.

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