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A few days after the burglary, the headquarters was another busy place. It was full of people-hysterical people-that kept on running back and forth inside the newsroom.

Meanwhile, Chloe peeked on her baby at the maternity ward.

"Oh my God! Isn't Alex cute?"

"Yeah. As cute as you can ever be," Chloe said, peeking onto Alex's cheek.

Rachel, meanwhile, was doing another risky live shot with Anderson and Jamie behind the cameras.

"Haylee, we've been covering the ashfall that's pouring down here south of Arkansas since last Monday. Mount Calgary is still in a risky state, so there are no people here except news crews from every national news station here in the US. But this is still scary and we have to stay away here before it erupts because it's still in orange alert-people have to evacuate within 24 hours. Haylee, back to the studio."

"Thank you. That was Rachel Adams live from Arkansas," a woman in the anchor seat named Haylee Thompson said.

"Oh Lord...why do you always let Rachel go to those dangerous places?! She had just recovered from her surgery!" Sara exclaimed.

"We don't have a choice," says Wolf. "After all, she volunteered to go there."

"I don't f***ing care if she volunteered, but we're concerned about her because...because she underwent surgery recently!" Sara frustratingly exclaimed.

"I-I don't know...well, we don't have a choice," Wolf replied.

"But we have the best reporters here, not just Rachel! Maybe Amanda, or Brie, or anyone else! Goddamn it!" Sara went nuts and walked out. Jessica and Lynn followed her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lynn asked.

"I'm not okay! How can I be okay? Rachel is facing a life-or-death situation right now! Remember that she went surgery a month ago. She must have rest! Ugh, damn whoever asked her to go there in the first place."

A few weeks later, Rachel came back with Anderson and Jamie safely.

"Thank Lord, you're back," Jessica happily said. "Oh. You better make it up to Sara. She's very angry at you and Wolf."

"Huh? Why?" Rachel asked, prompting Sara to slap her in the face.

"Didn't you have surgery last August? Are you really out of your mind? Rachel, the f*** I care with news, but we're more concerned for you! Is that you want to do? To take risks after you got surgery, huh? Can I ask you, Rachel, are you really out of your f***ing mind!?" Sara shouted.

"I-I am sorry, Sara, but please, let me explain..." she pleaded.

"Explain? Explain your face!" Sara exclaimed and walked out to her home nearby.

"What happened? Why is Sara like that?" asked Anderson, scared of what he has seen just a few minutes ago.

"You were out last Sunday to report the possible eruption on Mt. Calgary, but Sara was very concerned about her. And Anderson, you shouldn't have done that in the first place! Look what you've done. Sara is angry because of you! You shouldn't have allowed her to go to a risky destination in the first place!" Jessica reprimanded, urging him to be careful next time.

"So, what are you going to do now?" she asked. Anderson had a blank mind at first, but he walked to Sara's home to apologize to her.

"Sara?" he said.

"Why?" she answered.

"Please let me in," Anderson pleaded.

"No! Why would I?" Sara exclaimed.

"I-I'm sorry, Sara. I-I was careless, s-so...can you please go back to the studio and...and have fun with us?" he reluctantly said.

"Oh well...we are still friends. I gotta go change clothes first!" Sara shouted and rushed up to the stairs.

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