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  + Carry a stuffed turtle into the elevator. Wait until someone goes to speak to you before dropping it. When you drop it, scream "YOU MADE ME DROP MY TURTLE."

+ Bring a belt onto the elevator. Sit in the corner and lay it across yourself. Every time the elevator moves, shout "WEEEEE!!!" If someone asks why you're doing that, say you're enjoying the roller coaster.

+ Stand behind someone and have a conversation with yourself.

+ If someone carrying a brief case gets on, scream and say "DON'T LET IT EAT ME!!" Maybe even point at it.

+ Every time the elevator indicates you're on a new floor, scream "NO. THE RINGING/VOICES ARE BACK!" (i put voices because some elevators speak)

+ Every time the elevator door opens, lay on the floor and cry "Ah, the light!!"

+ Bring an inanimate object onto the elevator and pretend to have a conversation with it.

+ Ask someone if they would like to buy the elevator.

+ Ask someone where you could buy an elevator.

+ Ask someone where the nearest escalator or staircase is.

+ Press every button on the elevator and get off at the first floor it stops on.

+ Bring a stool, sit in the corner, and offer to tell your fellow elevator riders a story.

+ Bring a blanket and built a fort using your head and any other things you see, rails, suitcases, briefcases, boxes, just not people.

+ Pretend to eat something gross, then offer it to someone else.

+ Bring a pillow and pretend to nap on the floor.

+ Make fake business cards, hand them out to people, and explain that you are running for governor of candyville.

+ When alone with someone, tap them on the shoulder and pretend it wasn't you.

+ Take selfies with strangers.

+ Pretend you're a flight attendant, list safety procedures, but forget where the exit is.

+ If you see someone with food, ask them where they got it. Pretend you don't know what that is - especially if it is popular (McDonalds, Burger King, etc).

+ Bring a sheet, wear it on your head, and pretend you're a ghost.

+ Ask someone to play hide and seek with you. If they say okay, have them count and go hide behind someone else who is in the elevator.

+ Draw a stick figure and go up to people and ask if it looks like you.

+ Swat bugs that don't exist (bring a fly swatter for even more enjoyment).

+ Ask people if they've seen your pet rock (have a "LOST PET" poster for more fun)

+ Whenever the doors close, panic and ask someone if they'll open again.

+ When the doors shut, announce that "everyone is to remain calm. They reopen on the next floor"

+ Make "pew" noises each time someone presses a button.

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