Chapter Seven

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(This chapter has been edited for mistakes)    

---Luke's POV---

"This is fun?" Lydia asked, skeptically. 

"Yes, now come on." I smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her along into the paintball arena. I led us to a desk with a guy that looked about our age. 

"Two," I told him. "We need gear and guns." 

He looked up at us and then glanced down at our hands that were still clasped together. He smiled a bit and gave us two tickets. 

"On me," he said. Both mine and Lydia's eyes widened at the gesture. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Positive. Now come with me and I'll show you the gear and guns," he said, coming out of the booth and motioning for us to follow him down a hallway. 

Lydia and I followed, still hand-in-hand. The guy opened a door for us and let us go in. 

The room was covered with gear and guns. Padding was on two of the walls, while different models of paintball guns littered the others. I glanced at Lydia and we both ran to grab equipment, letting go of each other. 

I went after padding while Lydia went for guns, first. 

I grabbed a chest pad and a onesie suit to cover my clothes, and I also picked up a helmet. 

Lydia and I switched, her grabbing padding now, and me finding a gun. 

I looked around for a long barrel gun with a big tank. It wasn't too hard to find, but I wasn't tall enough to reach it. I stood on one of the benches to try again, and I barely managed to graze it with the tips of my fingers. 

A hand suddenly appeared above me and took hold of the gun I was attempting to grab. 

I turned around to see the guy who showed us in. He smiled at me and handed me the gun. 

"There you go," he said. 

"Thank you," I replied. 

He just nodded and stepped back. 

When both Lydia and I were padded and ready, we stocked up on ammo, red paintballs for me and blue for her. 

"Lock and load," I joked as I filled the tank of my gun. Lydia did the same and soon, we were ready to kick each other's butts. 

The guy, who eventually told us his name was Andy, led us to the actual arena and told us to go onto the teams that had the same color paintballs as we did. 

I joined the team on the left on the doors and Lydia moved right. 

There were even teams. Four guys and three girls on my team, not including myself, and five guys and two girls on Lydia's team, not including her. So, each team evened out at 8 players. I made sure to inform my team that Lydia was mine, and that I would be the one to go after her. They agreed. 

It looked as if she was doing the same with her team, as she pointed me out to her teammates. 

The timer on the giant clock read out 30 seconds, and both teams readied themselves. 

I moved to one corner of the arena, making sure to keep Lydia in sight. She had taken refuge in the opposite corner as I had, watching me as I kept my eyes on her. 

I winked and blew her a kiss as the buzzer went off to signal the start of the game. Ducking behind one of the obstacles, I slowly made my way over to Lydia, always keeping her just barely in sight. After a while, I had noticed that she had moved into the center of the arena and was completely open. She kept looking around, as she had lost me. 

I smiled to myself and focused my gun at her. She had no clue what was coming. 

But before I could press the trigger to release my ammo, I was suddenly fired at from all sides. 

I ducked and rolled away as fast as I could, but the damage had already been done... I was covered in blue paint. 

I looked up to see Lydia. She winked at me and blew me a kiss. 

Turns out her plan wasn't to have me all to herself. 

It was to have all of her team go after me at once. 

Smart move, Lydia, smart move. 

But I will get you back... Eventually. 


So, I didn't get her back. I got my ass kicked like the girl that I am. 

I refused to talk to her as we walked out of the arena. Lydia was completely clean, while I was caked with paint. 

"Sore loser," she teased as we walked back to the equipment room to put our stuff away. 

We put the guns on a table so that they could be cleaned and the onesie suits and pads in a kind of hamper. 

Lydia kept teasing me as we left, thanking Andy again for his on the house gift. He made a comment about us being the only two people that he had seen that weren't too scared to go on a date in public. 

I looked at Lydia at that and gave her a small smile. She blushed and looked away from my gaze. As we walked back to her car, I slipped my hand into hers, tangling our fingers together. 

"So, would you like to make it a real date?" I asked, a bit nervous, but confident at the same time. 

"And how would we do that?" she asked, blushing again. She reached up to push a strand of hair from her face, but I stopped her, moving it myself. 

"We could go out to dinner now," I said, answering her question. 

"Okay," she agreed. I opened the driver side door for her and closed it as she got in, then walked around to the other side to get in. 

We talked as she drove, about random things. Family, hobbies, favorites, things or people we miss, and other stuff. Eventually, we turned to the topic of the switch, which always seems to come up. 

But, instead of continuing our conversation, we got out of the car, as we had pulled up to a small restaurant that was all lot up and looked like a bisque in Italy. I quickly checked the clock on the wall before we were ushered to our seats. It was 7:30. Not too late. 

We ordered and got our food in almost record time. 

It was cute and comfy. We weren't awkward with each other, even though it was silent between us. Every now and then, one of us would look up and smile at the other, causing them to blush. I had to admit that I had been victim to the red-cheek-syndrome a few times during our "date". 

It was fun, but I felt it ended a bit too quick, even though the click had said that an hour had passed since we had walked in and were seated. 

We left not long after that and got back in Lydia's car to return to Nikki's house for the night. 

We walked in at the same time, hand-in-hand again, and immediately crashed on the bed, not cuddling, but curling into each other. 

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, not even wondering how Nikki was faring with the boys.

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