Chapter Twenty-One

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OMG!! I swear to god chapter 22 gave me the most trouble ever! My iPod kept dying when I was on a roll or I couldn't think of anything good, or multiple other situations that just got in my way. I am so glad that it's over and done with. (and yes, I said 22. I usually make sure I have a chapter written before I post the one before it...helps me a lot. Especially with how I keep changing POVs between Nikki and Luke.) 

I'm really hoping to be able to write more tomorrow so I can possibly update because I have family coming over for my brother's birthday party and I know I'm going to end up being a recluse and writing. But I really doubt that I'm going to be able to finish another chap. So, in advance, I'm sorry for not updating another chapter tomorrow. 

Anyway!!! After this long authors note, I present...


---Luke's POV---

I woke up around 9 AM, and checked Nikki's phone for any messages from Lydia. Finding none, I sent her a good morning text and stuffed it back in my pocket. I rolled over in the bed for a few minutes, stretching, before I decided to get up an find something to ease the monster my stomach had become. 

Reaching the kitchen, I began rummaging through the cupboards and the fridge to find anything that looked good. 

Finding some CocoPuffs, I grabbed a bowl and milk, making myself some cereal. 

I ate pretty quickly, and as I finished rinsing off the bowl, Nikki's phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text from Lydia. 

'Awww. Good morning to you too. :) <3' I smiled at the text and sent her a quick 'love you' back. 

I wasn't sure what I was going to do today, do I just explored the house for a bit. 

I saw a few pictures on the walls of a family. It looked like Nikki's mom, baby Nikki, and her dad. I still hadn't found out what had happened there. Maybe I'll ask Lydia later. Or even try to Skype Nikki or something. 

My stomach suddenly twanged in pain. Like, I was being poked really hard just below my stomach. 

I rubbed at it, but blew it off after it went away. 

Then, it came back, with more force. This time, it ran across my hips and lower back. I doubled over, clutching at my shredded innards. It felt like I was being ripped in half from the inside. 

A tear ran down my face as I whimpered in pain. It slowly went away again, but brought the need to pee. 

I went to the bathroom, and pulled my pants down to find red everywhere. 

"I'm dying!" 

I didn't bother using the toilet. Instead, I tied the end of my shirt up and sat in the shower. Turning the water on, I washed all the blood off of my thighs and...lady bits. A few times, I thought I was fine to stand up, but every time I tried, another gush of blood came out. 

"It's like Niagara Falls!" I exclaimed as I tried to stand for a fifth time. 

I grabbed for Nikki's phone and sent Lydia a 'help me, I'm dying text'. 

As soon as it sent, I was hit with another gut wrenching pain in my lower stomach. By now, I had figured out that I was on my period. Or Nikki's body was on its period. 

I tried to breathe, but it hurt so bad. My shirt was soaked through now, as was my hair. My arms wrapped around my waist, attempting to staunch the horrible pain. 

I was desperate. 

Grabbing the phone, I dialed my own number. 

"Hello?" my voice answered. 

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