Chapter Twenty-Six

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Omg. I finished chapter 27 pretty quick, so I'm updating again. And don't freak, but there's going to be another one up in around 5 minutes!! :D 


Makes up for all the waitin I put you guys through, right?



---Nikki's POV---

I woke up snuggled against Michael, again. He was so warm and I didn't want to move at all. I curled up a bit more and he slung an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. 

"Quick, get a picture," I heard someone whisper. 

I grunted and pushed my face into Michael's hair, hiding it from whoever was in the room with us. 

"Oh, my gosh. This is perfect!" another person whispered. 

I opened one eye, and looked towards the voice, finding Cal and Ash with a phone out, snapping pictures of Michael and I. 

"Whyyyyy?" I whined, rolling over again and sitting up to face them. They both gave shocked looks before booking it. I chuckled a bit before collapsing back onto the bed, laying half on Michael, who grunted. 

"Gerroff, Nik..." he groaned. 

"No," I stated, and wiggled around so that I laid on him completely. 

He groaned and let out what breath he had left in his lungs before sitting up as fast as he could and tucking me up into his lap. 

I gasped at the sudden change of position. Wiggling, I tried to get more comfortable, but Michael wouldn't let me move. 

"It's what you get for laying on me," he teased. I gave him an evil glare before wiggling more, aiming my wiggle towards his crotch. He groaned a bit and held me tighter, not sure if he was trying to pull me closer or trying to stop me. I giggled as he let out a slow breath. 

"Nikki," he breathed a whine. "Don't tease." He lightly pinched my side before rolling us over so that I was underneath him. As he leaned down to press a kiss to my lips, I remembered something. 

"Ash and Cal were in here a bit ago. I think they were taking pictures," I told him as his face moved closer to mine. 

He shrugged and he moved closer still, pressing his lips to mine for a second before sitting up and getting off the bed. He ripped his shirt off, saying that he could use a shower, before he left the room. 

I sat there for a few minutes, but quickly got bored. I stood and went to go find Luke and Lydia to talk about what we still needed for the spell and I had to officially apologize to Luke for using his body in a way that I shouldn't have. 

I found them curled up together in one of the other beds, and even though Luke was in my body, they looked cute together. 

I awed a bit before ripping the covers off of them. I knew that in about five minutes, give or take, Lydia would wake up because she couldn't stay asleep without blankets on. I stood there for that long, waiting for her to open her eyes. 

It took a while, but when she finally did, I told her to wake Luke and come on. 

We were going to get breakfast before we could talk about important stuff, which was the spell. I figured that because Lydia had said they still needed the wolfsbane, that was the only ingredient that we were missing. And that wasn't a hard thing to get. The guy I had got it from the first time had just gotten a shipment of it when I had gone to pick it up. He should still have enough for us to do the spell. The only thing was that he knew me in my body, not Luke's, and the guy was what was called a "white witch", so if I walked in there as Luke, he wouldn't help me because the spell I had used in the first place was dark magic. He thought I was doing a simple "come hither" spell when I had gotten the first batch of ingredients from him. 

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