info before the intro

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hey guys.
i've returned. i'm glad, too. i missed this.
because ive been gone so long i just wanted to get a few things clear, about me and about this story.

I. i did leave for a good 5(?) or so months. the reason why is quite complicated. i won't explain fully in depth, because i'm not sure even i understand why i was in such a bad place. it's okay now, though, so please dont stress about that.
II. i am kind of scared to be back. i'm afraid of going back to the place i was before, mentally. it's not wattpad's fault it happened, but the stress of wattpad added to it at the time. for the few of you that already know me from the notorious 'neighbors' fic, 'clicked', 'online', 'mr.brightside', and -briefly- 'lessons'. you'll probably be confused
III. the possibility of me leaving again is strong. i will try my hardest not to, because i really do think i can handle myself now, but i can't promise, you know? if i leave im sure i will come back. if i don't come back, don't !!!worry !! about !! me !! if i leave its for my own benefit. if i leave it means i was unhappy being on wattpad, and leaving means i'm going to be happy in my real life away from the internet. i still love you and chances are i'm still lurking on this account like reading but just being all ghost like, so never assume i'm dead or miserable or something because i would never kill myself and i have plenty of things to be happy about these days so don't worry ever!! (-:

your girl's all good.

this fic
I. in a way this story will kind of be like how mr.brightside was; slow updates, but long chapters that are meaningful to an actual plot line. if you didn't experience it, it's kind of like how aria (decayingiero ) is doing her boys/boys/boys fic (hey i read that when it came out did u know that? i was lurkin' on ur page without u even knowing ar') .
II. ALL THIS BEING SAID i really like the idea i have for this story and to write it the way i really want for the plot to work, it'll most likely require a lot of time in between chapters. i'll try write a few at a time, so when you wait a long time you get a lot in return. this is different from the 72937329 times i used to update fics, but don't worry 'bout it.
III. also it'll be lowercase just like all of my fics have been because idk i feel like wattpad is really great for writing but something in me always thinks Capitals Are Professional and something doesn't feel right about using them for a fanfic written by me. ((edit: i have no problem with other people using capitals in their fanfics im just saying my writing is not nearly as grand or exceptional to deserve capitals if thAt MAKES SENSE??????)

it'll be neat-o dudes. hope you stick around.

bc if you stick around

i'll sing you pretty sounds

and we'll make money selling your hair.

midnight man (joshler)Where stories live. Discover now