chapter fifteen/any suspects

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chapter fifteen/any suspects

i sip a cup of coffee mindlessly, flipping pages in a newspaper.

i finally quit my magazine addiction, and i can't say i'm glad i did. all that shows up these days are detailed reports of yet another murder. at least taylor swift hasn't killed a man yet.

"tyler, can you believe this?" i call out to where i know he's standing, picking up his usual drink at the gas station.

surprisingly, it's 12:01, and he's a bit late.

"how did you even see me walk in?" he frowns, setting the drink on the counter.

"i didn't, i just know you'll be here," i roll my eyes, thrusting the paper toward him.

"you're cocky," he notes, grabbing the newspaper. "what am i lookin' at?"

"another murder, ty," i state.

"hm, shame," he nods absentmindedly, placing the paper back down.

"is that all you're going to say?" i ask.

"do you want me to give a eulogy?"

i scoff, snatching the newspaper back behind the counter. i duck beneath the counter to tuck it back where it needs to be.

"josh," he whines. "why do you always get so annoyed with me when i don't care about things?"

"did you actually hear yourself say that or are you that much of a boy?" a sudden, chipper voice appears.

a quick glance back up above the counter places the voice as one belonging to a flawless, blue eyed, blonde girl who looks more like she belongs on a fashion runway that in this rundown speedway gas station.

"jenna, my love!" tyler grins, swooping her into a brief hug.

i don't miss her wandering hands.

"introduce me to your friend," she clears her throat, nodding over his shoulder at me.

"oh right, sorry. jenna, this is my boyfriend josh. josh, this is my lovely ex girlfriend, jenna!" he beams, apparently not realizing the situation he's just placed everyone into.

"tyler, honey, how many times do i have to tell you to stop introducing me as that? it makes everything so much more awkward than it needs to be," she sighs.

i say nothing, simply watching the two of them converse. i try to figure out what could've gone wrong. surely, she broke up with tyler. no man in his right mind would break up with such a stunning girl. my self confidence lowers significantly.

"but it's fun to watch you squirm," he whispers, in what i imagine he thinks is a menacing tone.

"you got enough of that view while we were dating," she quips, turning to smile at me apologetically.

"it's nice to meet you josh, make my boy happy. now, tyler, what do you say you and i take a little walk down to that bookshop you think it cute and have ourselves a chat about... business?" she bats her eyelashes and says this in a way that doesn't suggest 'no' is a possible answer.

"has something happened?" he raises his eyebrows.

"define 'something'," her eyes narrow, a suspecting glance toward me.

"um, you can go tyler, i-it's alright," i jump in, kind of sick of watching them.

"great offer josh, of course you can come with us!" he grins at me.

"tyler what does he kn-"

"come on, mark can handle things around here," he drapes himself over the counter seductively.

i groan, flipping the sign to say 'go away we're not open' and following them out of the station.

"you know for a summer night, it's quite cold out here," tyler shivers, pressing his body against mine as he walks.

"tyler i don't think he should-"

"-but the stars are beautiful," he exclaims, pointing up exaggeratedly.

"are you high?" i wonder bluntly.

"haha! no way, josh. jenna, isn't he just the funniest little thing to roam the planet?" he gushes, squeezing my arm tightly.

he's acting so strangely, it doesn't take me long to figure out jenna's presence doesn't mean a joyful visit. she's here to bare some news. bad news, judging by the way tyler is fidgeting. 

"adorable," she sneers, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

whether she's angry that tyler is avoiding her serious talk or that i'm here at all, i don't know. she doesn't seem like a complete bitch, but i could be wrong.

"i know right. i just love him!" he pecks my cheek.

"maybe i should go, i really should finish my shift. i can come find you when it ends-"

"no," tyler answers me quickly.

"tyler he clearly doesn't have any business with what we're talking about, just let him go," jenna orders.

"no," he insists more firmly.

"fine, we'll just do this here," her lips turn up in a tight smile that seems more menacing than kind. "josh, tell me dear, what do you know about the murders?"

"jenna," tyler warns.

"the murders?" i question.

"yes. any suspects at all?"

"jenna, you bitch. leave him alone, and get the hell out of my sight," tyler growls, shifting to stand in front of me.

"so you haven't told him," she confirms, a smirk resting on her face.

"told me what, tyler?" i ask.

he sighs, clearly realizing the situation he's in.

"allow me to introduce you. jenna, this is my boyfriend josh. josh, this is my ex girlfriend jenna. did i happen to mention we kill people?"

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