chapter twenty four/not what i had planned

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nearing the end js

do with that what you will
chapter twenty four/not what i had planned

for whatever reason, tyler insisted i not accompany him to the party.

for what is apparently the same reason, my friends insisted i not accompany them to the party. i frown at my phone where my group conversation with jack, rian, and matt (who is apparently apart of the group now) seems to be nothing but excuses and probable lies. i figure tyler must be planning something that requires their assistance, but i can't help but feel annoyed.

i scroll half heartedly through my contacts, searching for someone to talk to. my eyes land on the name 'hurricane', and memories tug at my brain. the laced marijuana, the stalker, the bitch who got me so on edge in the first place. i make up my mind and tap on 'message'.

joshuaisdun: hi.

hurricane: hey! josh right? was wondering when you'd use my number :P

joshuaisdun: well i just got around to it. make it worth my while? (;

hurricane: what do you have in mind? (;

joshuaisdun: there's a party tonight @ 8. hays & knights. come with me and maybe u can cum with me.

hurricane: straight forward. i like it. are you picking me up?

joshuaisdun: didn't i just do that

hurricane: you're smooth talker, dun

joshuaisdun: im a smooth fucker too. i'll pick you up at 8. leave ur address

hurricane: fuck you're so hot. anything else i should leave?

joshuaisdun: no need for panties love. we won't take long.

i don't bother looking at my phone as halsey texts me her address. i know part of this is just me being annoyed with tyler. i know i have no right to be annoyed. i also know i shouldn't fuck some girl at a party celebrating a promise of marriage.

but i know a lot of things. things that won't stop me from doing what i want. and, i do what i want.


picking up halsey, who's name i learn is actually ashley after some careful search, is quick to say the least.

her hand is brushing against my cock to the point of excruciating frustration. she's wearing the skimpiest short skirt i've ever seen in my life, matched with a cropped blue sweater with a lace up collar. her tits are out on practical display, and it's driving something inside me crazy.

"if you don't stop i'm going to pull over and ram you so hard," i grit out, a piece of me wondering who this is coming from and why i'm so inclined to cheat on tyler.

"i think you're missing my point, dear," she giggles, and fuck that mouth.

"hold off for another five okay?" i ask, and she settles for gently rubbing my thigh.

i park hastily outside of hays & knights, where the party is clearly underway. i jam my hand down on the seatbelt button, releasing it from around me. i pull a lever underneath my seat that moves it backwards, and it takes all of five seconds for halsey to climb in my lap.

her lips are fuller than tyler's, i notice as they press against mine. her tongue is much quicker as well. she skips any more turn ons and goes straight to grinding. i fight the urge to roll my eyes back into my head when her ass presses hard against my straining dick. i grip her thighs roughly, wishing vaguely that her hair wasn't so damn long and falling against my face every second.

i shift her to the right side of my lap for a moment, where she happily keeps tonguing my mouth and riding my thigh. i rip the belt off my nice black slacks and unzip them quickly. i forget that there is a crowd of people, my friends, waiting for me to come inside and celebrate my gay (practical) engagement. but at the moment she's moaning and her nails feel good on my cock and all i can focus on is how her blue lipstick is probably going to get on my face.

"fuck me joshy," she whines, and i must be gay because her voice is too high and i decide that won't keep this erection up at all.

"climb in the back, baby," i spit out the pet name, knowing it doesn't belong to her.

it belongs to the man who promised to marry me and is waiting inside. unfortunately he isn't here.

we're in too deep. let's finish it josh.

she climbs slightly ungracefully into my back seat and as her skirt flies up the tiniest bit, i see my earlier instructions were definitely followed. i grab what i need from the glove box, stashing it in my pocket. i grunt as i swing myself into the back on top of her and grin as she squirms.

my tongue is on her slit and her skirt is pushed high onto her chest. she's gripping at my leather seats and i growl in annoyance. she doesn't notice, moaning and writhing and crying my name over and over and over and over and over and over.

i register her coming before i watch the blood gush out of her throat. it's almost poetic. she died a tragic death while reaching the most pleasurable life experience. sucks to be her.

i wipe my mouth, swiping the knife on her skirt to rid it of blood. i pocket it once again. i wonder if it's normal to feel this numb after murdering someone who hasn't done you any wrong. i should ask tyler about it later.


or now.

"hey babe, why aren't you inside?" i ask, pushing open the car door and coming face to face with a more suave looking psychopath than myself.

not that i've taken to the diagnosis.

"i was coming to look for you. what did you do?" he asks, looking with horror at the sprawled out girl in my backseat.

"her voice was a little high for my taste but you know, girls orgasming is a lovely sound. you should hear it sometime, really," i shrug.

"you fucked a girl and killed her? here? now?" he hisses at me, struggling to keep his voice down.

"oh haven't you heard? i'm getting married to a top notch serial killer, eventually. figured it's what we do now, kill people. decided to christen the ring."

"you- fuck you josh. this was supposed to be a nice evening," he spits murderously. probably literally.

"it's not what i had planned alright? just help me move her somewhere other than my car and we'll take care of it later okay?" i rub my hand up and down his chest soothingly, smiling up at him.

"you're kind of hot when you're all killer-y," he smirks, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"there's my serial killer lover," i grin deviously.

and the fool buys it.

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