4-Truth or dare

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Jordan's POV

Okay. This is weird. They're all staring at me and smirking.

" are we gonna play?" I ask getting a little angry.

" yup" Cam says popping the P.

I roll my eyes. (Sorry if there's a lot of dialogue)

" Cam, truth or dare?" Kyle asks.

" dare," he says cracking his knuckles

Kyle smirks then looks at me.

" I dare you to kiss Jordan," Cam let's out a breath.

" I thought it was going to be bad." he laughs and kisses me on the cheek.

I sigh and roll my eyes again.

" okay, Jordan. Truth or dare?" Cam asks, probably expecting me to say truth.

" dare."

I hate it when people pick truth. It's lame.

" hm, I dare you to act like you like Blake in front of Jacob," he seems seriously.

I laugh on the inside. No way I'm doing that. I don't like Blake.

" she doesn't have to pretend" I smack Blake's arm when he blurts that out.

After a while of playing the game I get a text from Jacob. Blake snatches my phone out of my hand then threw it back to me.

" answer it" he commands, taking a sip of water.

I open my phone and checked it.

Jacob= where the heck are you

Me= I'll tell you later..

Jacob= um ok, bye

Me= bye

I put my phone down. I don't know what I'm going to say to him. I'm going to have to lie. I hate lying to him.

Randomly they all walk out of the house and I follow. They got in their cars and I got in. We drove back to my house in silence. It was awkward silence. Nathan, Kyle, Cam, and Blake are the popular boys in the school. Everyone knows who they are and respects them. Everyone is scared of them. They wouldn't do anything mean to anyone unless the person made Cam, or any one of them mad.

We arrived at my house and I got out. They waved bye and I rolled my eyes. As I open the door I face my very angry father.

" where the hell were you Jordan?!"

" I was with friends" I said pushing by him.

I walked upstairs and went to my bed. Jacob walked standing in my doorway. I stood up and walked towards him.

" where were you?" he asks taking a step back.

" girl problems" I gulp.

" hmm, girl problems or Blake problems?" he asks, sitting on my bed.

My cheeks heat up. I sat next to him.  He grabbed my thigh and sighed. I looked at his hand, then him. He took it off.

" you don't have to lie to me. You can tell me anything," he sighs, " people saw you leaving with him." I looked down. How would I tell him about the truth or dare? "what happened when you were with him?" he asked

Should I tell him? he could go along with it. I have a plan. If I pretend to like Blake, Jacob can act like its bothering him. But it really won't.

" something happened, but I have a plan" I smirked, he looks confused.

" what's the plan?"

I turned my body towards him and laid back on my bed. I told him the plan and he laughed.

" is that a good laugh or are you laughing at my plan," I ask, kinda worried that it's bad.

" its good, I'm just laughing at how he's going to react when he finds out!" he laughed then clapped his hands once.

Jacob left my room and I went to bed. If only Jacobs life could just be normal. Because of me, he is bullied. Ugh. Why did he have to become famous?? I love that he is happy and he has fans, but t really it makes his life worse.

I opened up my phone. It's 10:43. I quietly got up and tip toed to my door.

I tip toed towards the stairs and walked slowly and quietly down them. The lights are still on. So my dad must be awake. He was sitting on the couch with my mom. I looked around for Jacobs mom. She must have gone to bed. Good.

" what are you doing up?" Mom asked. Dad is still mad at me.

" I have to tell you something," They nod and sit up. Clearly interested in what I have to say.

" is there something wrong?" Dad asks concerned. I rub my hands together.

" yes and no," I shrug. Jacob may not forgive me, but it's for the best, " Jacob gets bullied at school and I'm sick of it. He acts like it's fine. It's not dad." I start to cry.

"come here honey," he patted the seat next to him.

" I try to protect him but I'm afraid I'm not enough."

We laid there together in a family hug. I turned around when I heard a creak on the stairs. Jacob stood there in his pajamas.

" what's wrong?" He asks. Dad stood up and walked towards him. He pulled Jacob into a hug. They hugged as my mom held me. " what's wrong?" Jacob asks again, pulling away from the hug.

This is about to happen. He's going to hate me. Forever. I stood up and walked over to him. I wiped my tears. I held him by the shoulders.

" you didn't," a tear slid down his red cheek," did you?" he continued.

I nodded and he backed away. His face. It showed disgust. He hates me.

" Jacob," he cut me off. " don't." he says and runs upstairs. This is definitely what I didn't want to happen.

Jacobs POV

How could she?? she wasn't supposed to tell anyone about me being bullied. If my mom finds out she'll make me switch schools again. She would probably blame Jordan. Is it her fault? she could've helped more with the bullies?! wait no! what am I saying? I really like her and all of a sudden I talk about her like this? wow.

Maybe it would be best to leave. I sat up with my face in my hands. I dragged myself to my moms room. I laid in bed with her

" Jacob? are you ok??" She asked snuggling me.

" I want to move mom" I cried. She sighed and ran her fingers through my hair.

" what's wrong?" She asks concerned.

" I get bullied at school. I can't handle it anymore!" I whisper.

She sat up. I sat up. We hugged and she held my face. " If we need to move, we will move, anything for my darling boy." she smiles.

I need to move. Be away from school and Jordan. We are going to tell Dan and everyone else that we're leaving tomorrow.
🔥Hope you guys enjoyed! I can't believe that Jacob wants to leave?!😔 what will Jordan do?🤔 keep reading:)👍🏻❤️ also please don't be a silent reader:) I want to know what you guys think🎉

Word count: 1,146

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