8- Christina

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Jordan's POV

I thought he had changed. How could he fake that?? I'm so upset. I'm upstairs with Christina and she's making me feel a lot better.

" this was all my fault!" I sniffle and cry to her. 

" no it wasn't, he's just a stupid boy" she pats my back.

Jacob walks back in and Christina left to go home.

" I love you." I blurt out

He smiles then sits next to me.

" I love you toe," he said. Then kissed me.

His kiss was the best kiss I'd ever gotten from anyone.

I feel bad for Christina now. Jacob led her on, she thought they were going to date. I feel bad but I can't help my feelings and neither can Jacob. Kam texted me.

Kam= how could you cheat on Blake! I know he was a player.. but I didn't know that you were just like him

Me=what are you talking about?

Kam= everyone is talking about it Jordan.. don't lie

Wow. I cant believe Blake told everyone that I cheated on him. I wonder who he said that I cheated on him with. I sprint up the stairs trying to be as loud as I can to show everyone how mad I am. I knock on Jacobs door. After Christina left, I went downstairs and Jacob went to his room. Jacob's mom and my mom went camping so its just us until my dad gets home tomorrow. He opened the door and groaned.

" Jacob! Blake told everyone I cheated on him!" I fell into his arms.

" who did he say you cheated with?"

I don't know who he said. Whenever I asked anyone, they didn't answer. they just got even more mad. I got 23 texts from some people I don't even know saying things like

I thought you were nice, I was wrong

I never would've thought that you were a player

bitch, why did you do that to Blake?!

" I can text Blake?" he offers. I know he wants to defend me. And maybe he will think Blake will listen to him but he won't.

" nah.. people will mention it tomorrow at school," I sigh.

Why does Blake have to start all of this drama? He started this. I was nice to him. I wasn't annoying and I didn't try to make him tell me stuff. A lot of girlfriends do that, what did I do wrong? After talking to Jacob, I went and brushed my teeth. I got in bed and dreamed about what might happen at school tomorrow.

( dream )

Jacob and I pulled up to the school. As we walked in the building we got a lot of nasty looks. Kam approached me

" you're really still going to be with Jacob at school?" she scoffs.

" what do you mean?" I ask.

She sighs and rolls her eyes

" you cheated on Blake with Jacob and Jacob broke Christina's heart, everyone hates you!" she walks away with the really popular group

the sentence " everyone hates you" repeated in my head

( end of dream)

I sat up quickly and looked at the time. Its 1:30 in the morning. That dream was horrible. What if everyone at school thinks I cheated on Blake with Jacob. I went back to sleep within 5 minutes. Thank god the dream didn't continue.

My annoying alarm clock beeped very loudly. My eyes fluttered open. I turned it off and got up. My back cracked as I stretched. I only have 20 minutes to get ready, then I have to eat. I picked out my outfit. I ran to the bathroom and locked both the doors. I got in the shower and the warm water flowing down my body woke me up. The doorknob wiggled.

" hurry! I need to pee!" Jacob wines and I laugh.

I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. I told him he could come in once I got out.

Blake's POV

I told everyone that Jordan cheated on me with Jacob. That actually didn't happen. Lexi wanted pay back.

I arrived at jail. Oh, I mean school. Jacob and Jordan walked down the hall. When she came close to me, I slammed my locker and walked awake with the saddest face ever. Everyone stared at them in the meanest ways. Lexi is so smart. I walked to the janitors closet and met up with Lexi.

" what happened?" She asks.

" mean stares towards Jordan and Jacob," I smile while kissing her.

She smiles and I walk out. We have to be a secret. I will announce us dating in like two months.

Jacobs POV

I thought it would be fine coming back here to see Jordan. But I guess my life just has to suck. Everyone hates me even more. Christina is really popular, so when people thought that I 'cheated' on her.... Ugh! 

" this isn't good," I whisper in Jordan's ear.

" I hate this!" she says and a tear slid down her cheek. She wipe it with my thumb.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the gym. We are leaving this place.

" Jacob, we have class!"

" I'm not going to stay at this school, if I'm going to get bullied!" I push open the door and she stood there.

" fine.. But, our parents can't find out" she says pointing at me.

I nodded and she followed after me. We walked home. Hopefully no one is home so we can just sneak upstairs. I'm going to tell my mom. I feel better when she knows about this stuff.

" jordan, do you mind if I tell our parents?" I ask.

She looked at me and made the kind of face where you can tell that on the inside she is saying " are you fucking stupid" .

" Seriously?" She pauses then continues," no, we can't!"

" what if it-" she cuts me off

" it will blow over in a few days." She says.

I suddenly fell on the pavement. I looked up and saw Blake smirking. He pushed Jordan to the ground. He punched me. Over and over. 1. 2. 3.15. 20. He punched me over and over. I felt weak. I stopped fighting back and he stopped. He walked over to Jordan and I watched in horror as he he took out a pocket knife and slid it across her clean skin 3 times.

   Blake ran back inside (btw, Blake isn't blake gray!) i got up and crawled to her. My face felt like needles were being stabbed everywhere.

    " Jacob!" She cried.

   " I know" I said grabbing her face

  She looked at her wrists and screamed. Mr. Nelson opened the door and paused as he stared at us. He ran towards me and pushed me against the ground. Blake stood in the doorway smirking

    " Blake! You said you witnessed what happened...?" Mr.nelson said helping Jordan up

    " I looked out the window and saw Jacob cutting her wrist and kicking her in the stomach. She was punching him. I ran back inside and got you!" he pretends to cry.

   That jerk

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