19- ill never see him again

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            Jacobs POV
   " MOM! NO..I CANT TALK TO JORDAN" I Yelled and ripped the phone out of her hand

   I ran out of the store and made my way out of the mall. I arrived at the car and two security men came up behind me.

   " son, you need to go back inside" a tall muscular man said

   " I'm in love with this girl, they are trying to keep us apart! And if they change my number I will never get to see her again" I explained

   They didn't leave. The other man came to me and patted me on the shoulder. I looked at his hand then at his face.

   " you don't know what love is" he said ripping the phone out of my hand

   I started to tear up. No one fricken understands. I got in the car and they went back inside. Five minutes later, my mom and Jordan's mom still aren't back.

   I don't want to do this. But I have too. I got my moms purse and grabbed 200 dollars. I can't believe I'm going this. I walked to the main road and a taxi pulled up to me. The man rolled down the window

   " where you headed?" He asked kindly

   " the airport"

             Jordan's POV
   We arrived at the airport in Virginia. Dad got me Starbucks, he's trying to be nice.. It's not going to work. As soon as I got inside I got out my phone and texted kam. 

   Me= hey! We need to hang out.. I'm back.. I have things to explain!😭

  Kam💩💕= come over:( I want to know

  Me= okay, I'll be over in a few minutes

Kam💩💕= see you soon

    I turned off my phone and ran downstairs. I opened the front door and walked out. My dad doesn't deserve to know where I go.. So I didn't tell him. 

  (By the way, kam is a girl.. If you were wondering😂 it was already obvious right?) kam ran out the door when I was half way up her driveway. She screamed and hugged me. I haven't seen her in a while.
   " tell me what is making you upset.." She said pulling me in her house and up to her room

   She closed the door behind her. I explained everything to do and she put her hands in a fist.

   " I'm mad at your parents" she said angrily cracking her knuckles.

   I started to cry. I'm going to call Jacob. I pressed the call button and the robot voice thing said that the number was changed/ is no longer in use. What happened? He didn't change his number did he?

    " kam, something is wrong" I said freaking out and trying to call him

   " what's wrong?" She asked concerned

   " whenever I try to call Jacob, it says bat the number was changed! But he wouldn't do that..." I said with tears streaming down my face

   " your parents... They planned this" she said standing up

   She left her room and came back with food. I smiled and grabbed the Doritos from her hand.

             Jacobs POV 
   The taxi arrived at the airport.

   " 45$" the driver said

  " here you go" I said giving him the money.

   I ran into the airport. I have to transfer my ticket to go to Virginia instead of Boston. I asked a lady and she did it for me. When she finished she directed me to my gate. I walked through the crowd of people and saw a few fans along the way. 5 minutes later I got to the gate. I put my suit case down next to a chair and sat down. I'm going to be so bored since I don't have my phone.

   " hey" a girl said plopping down on the seat next to me

   I turned to the right and sat up straight

  " hey" I replied awkwardly

  " sorry! I'm a huge fan Jacob" she smiled

  I smiled and asked her name. Her name is Tess. She said she's going to Virginia to visit her cousin and we decided that we are going to sit together on the plane. The lady called over the speaker that we are boarding now.  Tess and I stood up and got in line.

   We got on the plane and got comfortable. She took her phone out and  an idea came to my mind.

  " can I use your phone to call Jordan?" I asked

  " yea" she smiled handing me her phone

   My plan is to take a taxi to her house and sneak in. I Thought for a moment trying to remember her number. If I can't figure it out, then I can't warn her. Yes! I KNOW IT!!!
   I dialed the number and held it up to my ear

   Jordan= hello?
  Me= Jordan! It's Jacob! I have to be quick.. My mom changed my number and I snuck away and took a taxi to the airport.. I'm on the way to Virginia.. We need to hide me when I get there

  Jordan= OMFG! Yes, let's do this.. When you get here I'll have already unlocked the back windows.. So just climb in through there

Me= ok, but I have to go.. We are about To take off.. I love you! Bye

Jordan= love you!

  I gave Tess her phone back. She shut it off and I went to sleep.

      (Jacob arrives at airport)
  Tess and I hug, and she leaves in a taxi to her cousins house. I slept the whole plane ride.

  I went outside with my bags and got a taxi. I told him the address and he told me the price. It costs 50$. He smiled and took the money. He started the car and r
Drove off.

   We arrived at the house. I got out and ran around the side of the house. The window to the living room was open. I climbed through and looked around the house. No one is home. I wonder if Jordan is here...

   " Jordan! " I whisper/yelled

  I quietly went up the stairs and stopped at her door. I knocked three times and the door swung open. Jordan ran into my arms and I squeezed her.

   " Jacob! Oh my gosh! I missed you" she cried

  " I missed you too! But for when our dad gets home.. We need to hide me" I said

   She grabbed my face and kissed me

  " I love you" she whispered in my ear
   Hope you guys are loving this:) will Jordan's dad find out? And will Jacobs mom freak out when she realizes that he's gone👍🏻💕

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