32- A forced date

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Jordan's POV
Yesterday, Bryce told me to meet him at chipotle. It might be hard to get there.. Without Jacob. School was canceled today for teacher meetings..
And Jacob wants to spend the whole day with me. It's 5:30 and I need to make up a lie. I feel horrible.. I have a pit of guilt in my stomach.. But I'm doing it so he won't get hurt.

Jacob and I were at the park when we decided to come home. I stared at the pavement and glanced at Jacob every once in a while. He turned and smiled to me and a tear slid down my cheek.

I don't want to lie to him.

" Jacob.." I whispered.. Hoping he wouldn't hear

He ran back to get his shoe that fell off

" ya" he started laughing because he almost fell, he's so adorable!

" my friend.. Umm.. Katie came all the way from California yesterday... And she texted me to meet up at chipotle at 6:45"

" oh ok.. Should I come?" He asked taking my hand and studying my hands

He always loves it when I get my nails done. He says they look so pretty with my petite little hands.

" no, I think I'm going to go alone..
I haven't seen her in a long time" i pulled away my hand and he still stayed happy

I'm the worst.

Bryce's POV
It was reaching 6:40 so I decided to go to chipotle now. I hope she got away from Jacob, I bet he was all over her.

I washed my favorite clothes so I could where them, and I put on my cologne that a lot of girls seem to like. Weston, Nick, and Zach were sitting across the room. We go everywhere together.

The front door opened and Jordan walked in. She was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Clearly she doesn't care about this " date", even though it's not really a date.

" hey babe" I smirked at the sight of her..

I actually like her.. But for me I'm not supposed to like anyone. The guys watched us like Hawks. Jordan notices them and she turned to me.

" seriously?" She took a bite of her dinner

" what?" I asked

" can you guys leave?" She asked them

They shook their heads and stood up. I laid my head in my hands, they are going to mess this up. Jordan's face turned red.

" why don't you draw us the map out" Weston said smirking

That was the stupidest thing I've ever heard them say. Nick smacked him and rolled his eyes. Jordan laughed and I laughed at them too. They sounded stupid, and Jordan laughed. I want Jordan to like me.. But i know she never will.

" why don't I draw you the map to hell so that when you go there you will know where to go"

The guys stood dumbfounded. That was the best insult! They all stomped out of chipotle then Jordan broke out into laughter.

" that was good" I high five'd her

The expression on her face went from happy to sad. She stood up and laid money down on the table.

" I have to go, I can't be talking to you like this" she rubbed her hand over her head

I stood up and hugged her. She smelled like strawberries. But the amazing smell was gone when she pulled away. She slapped me across the face and ran out. I shouldn't have done that, but I couldn't help it.

              Jordan's POV
   Bryce hugged me! Ewww! He's the bad guy.. Sure, we both laughed at the same time.. But that doesn't mean anything.

  I finally got home and went straight up to my room. The parents told me that Jacob went to bed and that Sofia was in our room. I need to tell someone.. And I can trust Sofia.
    " Sofia we need to talk" I told her when I got to my room

    " what's wrong?" She could tell by the tone of my voice that I was upset.

    I got closer to her and the smell of perfume overwhelmed me. She out too much on. My nose scrunched up and I sneezed, she took a step back

    " sorry! I think I put on too much perfume" she inhaled

    " so... Bryce threatened Jacob.. He said that if I didn't meet up with him today then he would hurt him.. So I met up with him at chipotle and he hugged me.. I slapped him and ran away.. But he was flirting with me and it was horrible..I lied to Jacob and said I was hanging out with a friend.. I hate lying to him.. And I feel so guilty! I needed to tell someone" I started crying and she comforted me by hugging me

      " it's ok! Yu did it to protect him!! I understand why you did that, I think you should tell him.." She rubbed my back

    I should tell him.. He deserves to know, I lied to him.. We both hate Bryce. Jacob is protective of me.. He gets upset at the thought of Bryce wanting me to be with him. I'll tell him tomorrow, he's sleeping.

   I'll go to bed and tell him tomorrow.. I hope he will forgive me..


   I walked downstairs and Jacob was sitting on the couch. He turns to me.

   " why the hell would you lie!" He yelled

   " I'm sorry Jacob! I was going to tell you"  I tried to sit down next to him but the couch disappeared.

   I fell through a black hole and right when I was about to wake up...

    -End of dream-

    I was breathing heavily when I woke up. I hate when I have those dreams, when your about to die but you wake up right before it happens. Apparently it means something?

   " you ok" I heard Sofia's voice ask

   " ya, it was just a dream" i looked around for her and she walked out of the bathroom

   " so are you going to tell Jacob?" She asked

   " ya, I will right now.."

   My palms went sweaty, here we go..

   Hope you enjoyed ! I have to get up at 4:00am tomorrow because I'm going on vacation;( I'll  try to write chapters! But sorry if I don't❤️ thanks for reading!Make sure to comment, vote for this chapter, and follow me:)


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