48- Acceptance

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Kevin's POV
Zoey sprinted down the stairs and shoved me. Jordan definitely told her about me. She tried to throw a punch, but I grabbed her small fist and kept it from hitting me.

" what are you doing here" Jordan ran down the stairs and gasped when she saw me

Jacob was standing behind me.

" can we talk?" I asked in my calm voice

" about what?" Jacob asked

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

" can we please just talk. Somewhere private?" I asked again

Jordan nodded and turned towards the staircase. I followed her and Jacob followed me. For some reason, Zoey stayed downstairs. It must be to hard for her. And I understand why.

  Jacob closed the door behind us. I sat down next to Jordan.

   " I'm sorry" my voice crack. My voice went dry. And I knew I was about to cry.

              Jordan's POV
  He wants to say sorry?!? He was friends with Bryce! I don't know if I can forgive him.

    " I'm sorry for choosing Bryce. I had a chance to be friends with the Heroes,
But I chose the villains. I wish I had become friends with you guys. You are kind, funny. People can talk to you without pretending to like you. I want to start over. I've made mistakes. I know I will never talk to them again. I really hope that we can be friends"

    My mind was spinning. I understand that he did chose the wrong people. Everyone makes mistakes. But am I forgiving him too easily. I'm not like that. He has to earn my trust and earn my friendship.

    I didn't say anything, I was hoping that Jacob would.

                Jacobs POV
    Kevin apologized. I don't know what to say. I need to know what Jordan thinks. We stood in silence. Kevin had his face in his hands. I looked to Jordan.

   " I feel bad" she whispered in my ear

   " are you sure we should be friends with him?" I asked. " I forgive him, but do you?" She nodded her head

   " go tell Zoey, we want to talk" Kevin stood up and walked out of the room

   Jordan sat down on her bed.

  " I feel bad, but I don't know if I should forgive him this easily" I admitted

  " I think we should" she said

                 Zoey's POV
   I embraced Kevin in my koala bear hug. I smashed my lips onto his.

   " im sorry" he whispered in my ear

   " stop saying sorry, I forgive you!" I yelled

   I turned my head when I heard someone scream. It was Jordan. I pushed Kevin off of me and backed away from him.

   " we forgive you" Kevin's face lit up. He ran into Jordan's arms

   We had a group hug. Suddenly, the door swung open, and Sofia came running in.

   " what did I miss" she asked

  Kevin laughed

    " a lot" Sofia sighed and flopped onto the couch

               Jordan's POV
   It's been a week since Kevin told us the truth. He transferred to our school so that he wouldn't have to see Bryce. His locker was across from mine. Every morning, we waited for each other to get our stuff from our lockers. I walked over to him and he was still taking his text books out of his bag.

   " oh hey Jordan, I need to tell you something" he said while closing his locker

   " what is it?" I asked curiously

   " Bryce had been texting me" she pursed her lips

   " why can't he leave us alone!" I said that loudly, so everyone around us heard me.

   Kevin and I walked separate ways to our classes. I have science first, great. I felt a pinch on my back. I turned around and all I could see were the words Nike. I looked up and saw Madison cane. She was six feet tall. She looked down at me and gave me the evilest look.

   Madison is known at our school for beating up anyone who makes her angry. She is huge. She has been expelled before, but for some reason, they let her back in since her rich father bribed the school with his money.

    " your the girl who is messing with Bryce right?" She got in my face

   What?! I mess with Bryce! He messes with me. And I thought he liked me. Why would he want me to get beaten up by the biggest girl in school. Maybe his is mad at me for what happened with him and Kevin's 'friendship'.

    " I don't mess with Bryce" I shot back

   She laughed and got closer to me, if that was even possible since I could feel her breathe on me.

  " if he tells me one more thing, I'm coming for you, Sofia, Zoey, Jacob, and Kevin.. It will be painful... For you" she walked away and left me standing awkwardly in the hallway.

   A few kids had watched as it happened. I got to science and almost fell asleep through the hour long class.

  Kevin and Jacob are in my next class, I will tell them then. I dose off in class.  I thought about all of the different ways that Madison could KILL me.

  Class finally ended. I sprinted to social studies. I was eager to tell Kevin and jacob about Madison.

    I hope you liked this chapter❤️! Sorry if it was bad, I was writing this late at night and I could barely keep my eyes open. Make sure to comment and vote, also! I'm sorry it took so long to write, I've been very busy lately

                                 - Katie😚

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