23- Woods

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Jordan's POV
I stopped running when I scraped my knee on a stick. I sat down and looked down at my knee. It was bleeding. I took off my sweatshirt and wrapped it around my leg. I got up and kept walking. It got dark, and freezing cold. Jacob is probably worried sick about me. But I know Blake is faking, and I'm not gonna sit around waiting for him to kill me.

I stopped to look at my knee. I looked up and saw a man in the distance. Do I go talk to him?

He turned around and waved at me. I stood there awkwardly. He started walking towards me.

" are you ok?" He yelled to me

" ya" I yelled back

He started jogging to me. I put my hands into a fist. He stopped in front of me and I realized who it was.

" MATT!" I yelled hugging him

" what are you doing out here?" He asked

" Blake is back" I said

We ran out of the woods. His bike was laid on the curb. He picked it up. I got on his pegs ( that's what they are called right? On the back of the bike, that you stand on😂) he road to his house.

" you can stay the night here if yu would like..." He said

" thank you, but I'm gonna go home"

" I can give you a ride" he said

" nah, it's fine" I said smiling

I said bye and started walking down the street towards my house. I jumped in the air and turned around when someone placed their hand on my shoulder. Blake.

" your coming with me"

He pulled out a taser and I hit the ground.

Jacobs POV
I waited with Dan for Jordan to come home. She has to come home at some point.

" if she isn't here in 5 minutes, I'm calling the police" he said getting up and walking up the stairs

I sighed and turned on the t.v. My phone started ringing. It's Mark. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now, I'm not in the mood. He was blowing up my phone. I ignored it.

My mom barged though the front door with Jordan's mom.

" where is Jordan?!?" Jordan's mom cried

I sat up

" Blake came back, she ran away" I felt a tear slide down my cheek

They ran upstairs and I heard sobs from upstairs in Dans room.

Jordan's POV
My whole body feels tingly. He tasered me. I opened my eyes to a room with cement walls, one door, and one chair, that I am sitting in. I tried to move, but I can't. My legs and wrists are handcuffed to the chair. I heard footsteps.

My heart beat sped up. The door swung open and Blake walked in with another boy

" Jordan, this is Shawn" (not Shawn mendes😂) I looked at them both

" what is going on!" I screamed while trying to move my arms

" umm, we kidnapped you.." Blake said laughing

" no shit, she means why?" Shawn said laughing

" oh, haha, you are here because you are the reason I spent 6 months in a disciplinary school, so you are our slave..not sex slave.." He said giggling when he said.. Sex slave.

I sighed with relief. I would rather die than be a .. Sex slave.. (I hate saying that😂)

They left without saying goodbye. Am I just supposed to sit here? My neck started to hurt from sitting there.

   " hello?!" I yelled

  The door opened and Shawn came in
  " what?" He asked rudely

  " my neck hurts" I whined

   He walked over to me and when he bent over me.. I kneed him in the... Spot. He fell to the ground. I slipped my wrists out of the handcuffs. My hands are really small.

  I jumped out of the chair and ran to the door. I peeked my head out of the door. There are two hallways. One of them is the right way, and the other is the wrong way. I went to the left. I past 5 doors. I opened one and a girl sat there in a chair. She lifted her head up

   " omg! Please help me!" She yelled

   " shhh, I will... We have to be quiet.. They can't hear us" I whispered

   She nodded.

   " where are the keys?" I asked

   " over there.. In the corner" she said looking at the keys

   I ran over and got them. I unlocked the handcuffs and she jumped up.

   " I'm Alana" she said hugging me. " thank you so much!" She said tearing up

  " I'm Jordan.. Are there any other girls?" I asked

  " yes, Sofia and zoey" she said

  She walked to the door. We walked out hand in hand. She stopped at a door and opened it. A girl lifted her head up.

  " Zoey!" Alana ran over to her and hugged her

   I introduced myself. I unlocked the handcuffs and she got up while running her wrists.

  " does it hurt?" I asked

  " ya, a little" she said putting her hands by her side

   All we have to do is get Sofia and leave. They led me to another door. We swung it open and Sofia was already out of her chair. She ran to us and hugged Alana.

  " how did you get out?" I asked

  " small hands" she said doing jazz hands

  We all laughed and left the room. We made our way towards the stairs. I was in the front of the line. Alana behind me, then Sofia and Zoey. At the top of the stairs I stopped at the door.

   " what if he is right there?" I thought

   Alana tapped on my shoulder and I opened the door slowly. I looked to the left and it was all clear. We are in a house.   I walked down a hallway into a kitchen. Sofia ran to a cabinet and grabbed a bunch of food.

  " what are you doing?" Zoey asked

  " what? I'm hungry" we all giggled quietly

  Zoey ran out of the kitchen and we heard her say it was all clear. We stopped at the front door. Alana opened it and the sun hit out faces. We ran out into the road and hugged.

   " we made it" I said

     Always have to have action😜 hope you enjoyed:) make sure to follow me..  Comment what you think👍🏻thx for reading💕


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