30- Bryce Hall

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Jordan's POV
Eliza Colens. Hmmm. I texted samantha and asked her to come over. When she got her she ran up to my room and grabbed my wrist.. She stared at the bracelet... How does she know...

" who gave you this??" She asked

" I'm guessing you know" Sam nodded

I sighed and stood up. Jacob walked in and stood next to me as I talked.

" a girl, Eliza Colens told me that when you get the bracelet.. Who ever put it on you, likes you and claims you as theirs"

Jacob moved his hand to mine and we interlocked fingers. He tightened his fingers around mine, he's not very about about that.

" the boy that put it on my was around 5'11 .. He had brown hair and he was very muscular" Sam looked down like she was trying to remember sometimes

" I know his name.." She said

" what is it??" Jacob asked

" Bryce hall, I used to go to their school.. They never noticed me though" she smiled awkwardly

How would they Bully me if they go to a different school?....

" the other three guys are Zach Clayton, Nick Bean, and Weston Koury"

(😂all the Younower's)
I heard my door opened so I turned around and saw dad.. He walked in and someone was behind him.. The kid Bryce walked in.. I feel like my mouth dropped to the floor. Sam slowly got off of the bed and he stared at her... He was smirking.

" Bryce... Said that he needed to talk to you Jordan" dad said.. He patted Bryce on the back then walked out

Bryce closed the door slowly and quietly. He came towards me. I felt my heart beating faster and faster as he came closed. Jacob stood between us and Bryce laughed. He shoved Jacob onto the bed. I had to look up at Bryce... Because I'm not very tall...

" hey babe" he smirked

" I'm not your babe" I said pushing him.. I heard Jacob laugh

He roughly yanked my wrist and tugged on the bracelet. He forced me to look at him.

" this bracelet says so... Either have me or get bullied by me"

" bullied..." I bravely kicked his shins, but he didn't flinch

Instead he whispered in my ear

" by the way...you won't last a week" he laughed then walked out

Jacobs POV
Bryce whispered something in Jordan's ear.. But I could hear it.. Because he's so loud. When he left the room, Jordan was shocked. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Sam and I ran to the door. I laid my ear against the door and heard medal being scratched against the counter.. Oh no! She's going to cut

      (It was funny because I just wrote about him and he posted a musical

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(It was funny because I just wrote about him and he posted a musical.ly😂😂)

Sam followed me as I ran out of her room. I barged into my room and swung open the door to the bathroom. Jordan had the knife right at her skin. Samantha pushed me aside and ripped he blade out of her hand and Jordan started sobbing.

" I don't want this life" she cried

" Jordan, it's ok" Samantha said hugging her

" you can't let him get to you" Jordan sniffled and wiped her tears.

" I'm sorry, I'm just gonna go to bed.. You can stay over if you want Sam" she smiled slightly

" ok, thanks" Sam took out her phone and called her mom

Jordan's POV
I feel like poop. I'm so scared of Bryce and all the other guys. Sam's mom said no to letting her sleep over so she went home... At least Jacob and I get to snuggle. Jacob walked in my room and we  both climbed onto my bed.
   " good night" he laid his plump lips on mine and I giggled

   " goodnight baba!" I laughed and pulled the covers over my face

         -Next morning-

     Jacobs phone started buzzing and I woke up instantly. School.. Ew.

     I hit snooze and went back to sleep for five minutes then my mind woke up... I didn't open my eyes but I was awake. I heard Jacob in the bathroom. I opened my eyes and he had opened the windows. I squinted my eyes and walked into the bathroom.

     " morning" he turned to me with his toothbrush in his mouth

   I always Brush my teeth after breakfast because the toothpaste makes it taste weird. So I skipped down the stairs happily and the smell of pancakes and bacon overwhelmed me. Jacobs moms head peered around the corner and she smiled.

     " hey Jordan, where's Jacob?" She asked kindly

     " brushing his teeth" i turned on the t.v and ran into the kitchen. I greeted my parents and grabbed my plate of food. I went back into the t.v room.

    Jacob finally came down and he looked perfect, his hair is so.. Ughh... Hawt! How did this guy ever fall for me??

       - on the way to school-
   My flip flops flapped against the pavement making an annoying sound. My feet started to hurt since Jacob and I are walking to school.  And after a while of walking in flip flops, it starts to hurt

    A heat wave came through my whole body, I felt my face heat up when I felt a big hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Blake standing there with Zach, Nick, and Weston. Jacob gasped quietly.

     " hey, wow. You look pretty-"
    " ugly" Weston smirked


     I crossed my arms and  Jacob stayed quiet for only a few moments.

    " why don't you shut the fuck up" Jacob shot at Weston

    Bryce stomped over to Jacob and Jacob had to look up at him. I heard Jacob gulp and I reached for Jacobs arm and Zach grabbed my arm and yanked me to him. Weston, Nick, and Zach stood in front of me smirking until Nick stomped on my foot.

   I winced and bent down and held my foot, it hurt so bad. Next, Weston grabbed my hair and yanked it making me scream.  I turned my head for a second to see Bryce putting Jacob in a headlock. I gasped and tried to run to him but someone grabbed my arm and turned me to them, I saw Zach, then bam...

   Everything went black and I heard Jacob scream.

    I am so sorry this took me a while to update! And I'm sorry if there are a bunch of errors😬 I hope you enjoyed💕 make sure to comment, vote for this chapter and follow me!

     - Katie❤️

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