24- Blake didn't change!

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           Zoey's POV
I pulled away from the girls and looked behind me. They boys stood in the doorway with their mouths dropped open. I screamed and we ran down the road. I'm pretty slow when it comes to running, so I'm scared they are going to get me.

" STOP" shawn yelled

Suddenly Jordan fell to the ground. We stopped and tried to help her up.

" Come on!! we gotta go" I yelled

Jordan flipped her leg around and there was a dart in it. Her eyes rolled back and she fainted. I screamed and picked her up. Sofia helped me. The boys started walking. We tried to run, but we cant hold Jordan and run as fast as we can. We stopped and turned to them. Blake got so close to my face, I could feel his warm breath

" get back inside" He said sternly

Shawn ran over with a dart gun in his hand. We shot it at my leg. Excruciating pain went throughout my leg. I saw 5 blakes and 5 shawns. then I passed out.

                  Jacobs POV
   Dan called the police, its been a day and a half.. where is she? why hasn't she come back? I kept texting her phone, I checked her whole room so she must've had her phone with her when she ran away. I'm so stressed out, and worried, I just wish she would answer my calls.

" Jacob!"dan yelled from downstairs

I walked out of jordans room and looked down over the living room. Blake is talking to Dan. I sprinted down the stairs and lunged myself at Blake

" what did you do to her!!!! where is she?" I screamed in his face, he winced and pushed me away from him

" what are you talking about?! I didn't do shit" he yelled back, his face went red, and he stomped out of the house

Dan turned to me and backhand slapped me across the face. And if you didn't know, getting hit with the palm is less painful. I grabbed my cheek and rubbed it, did he really have to do that?

" what is your problem?! Blake didn't do that" he spat in my face

" he hurt her before? what makes you think he wouldn't do it again" I said pushing him and running up to my room

I know Blake did this, and if Dan wont help me, I will have to find her myself. I'm going to invite Blake over and when he leaves, I'm going to follow him. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone. I'm going to text him.

Me= hey man, I'm sorry for accusing you, I know you didn't do this.. want to come over?

Blake = its alright, I understand why you would think I did it.. and sure, I'll be there in five

Me= k, bye

Blake= bye

He'll be here in five minutes. I ran downstairs and told Dan, he smiled and said he was leaving to go to a meeting. its 6:30 and I'm hungry. I made some roman noodles and ate them while watching t.v

I heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered the door. Blake walked in smiling. The whole time we just played video games. He stood up and set the controller on the counter.

" I gotta go man" he said putting his coat on

" ok, we should hang out more" I said trying to make him think I want to be friends

" ya, ill text you later" he said

He left and I ran to the window. I watch him walk down the road. I put my shoes down and opened the front door. I ran down the driveway. I hid behind trees as I followed him. He took a left turn and I looked at my phone. its 8:34 . Its getting late. but I cant go back, what if Jordan is here?

  I kept walking. He walked up the driveway of a house. I ran and hid behind a car. I took one step and felt something under my shoe. I lifted my foot up and picked up a necklace. It said Jordan on it. SHE IS HERE. that Fricken liar. I went to the side of the house and saw a low window. I opened it. Idiots, they left the window unlocked. I climbed through the window and I was in the middle of a long hallway. I looked to my right and heard crying. I sprinted down the hall.

             Jordan's POV
   Sofia, Zoey, and I are chained to the walls together. We started to cry. I just want to go home. I want to see my dad again, and Jacob, and mom. I cried even louder. I heard the door knob jiggle. The door swung open and Jacob stood there.

   " Jacob!" I whisper/yelled

  " I'm here to save you, and you two" he said smiling at Sofia and Zoey

   He unlocked the chains and we got out of them easily. Jacob led us to the window he used to get in here. Right next to the window was a fence, and on the other side of the fence is woods. We all climbed over the fence and landed on sticks. We sprinted into the woods and finally stopped when we were all out of breathe.

   I jumped into Jacobs arms. I kissed him  and the girls giggled in the background. Now, how do we get home?

    " we need to get back to my house" I said

  " where is that" Zoey asked

  " I can get us there quicker, but we will have to go past Blake's house" Jacob said looking at them seriously

  " we have to take the chance. We will freeze out here if we don't"

  " shit" Jacob mumbled under his breathe

  " what?" I asked

  " I left my phone in the house" he said

  We looked at each other with wide eyes. We heard yelling. It's Blake. We went farther into the woods. Jacob said he saw a road. Zoey said that was her street.

   " let's go to your house!" Sofia said

  Zoey led us to her house. She knocked on the door and a boy that was about my age or a year older answered the door.

  " Your back! We have to call the police" he said running back into the house

   We all entered the warm house.

   " we made it" I said

    She what I did at the end there! In the previous chapter.. When they got out Jordan said " we made it" then the boys got them, but this time they made it❤️comment what you think:)

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