47- Our little date

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              Jacobs POV
  I rushed home and took a shower. I was sweaty since I was running from Bryce. I still can't get over at how funny that was. He was so mad and surprised that we had gotten into his house. Thank god he didn't catch up to us because we would've been killed.

  It was 1:50, and it took ten minutes to get there. I hopped on my bike and went to the lake. When I got there, there was a canoe on the shore. The whole place was lit up. Lights hung from the trees around us. The docks had lanterns on them. And in the middle of it all. A picnic blanket was laid down on the sand with a bunch of food and candles all around it.

  My eyes laid on my absolutely beautiful girlfriend. Her smile consumed me. I ran into her loving arms and squeezed her tightly. No one has ever done this for me. 

   " Jordan, this is amazing!" She sat down on the blanket

  I sat down next to her and stared down at all of the delicious food.

  " I'm glad you like it" she giggled as I started to eat the vanilla cake

We ate until we were full. I want to tell her about what happened with Bryce. I will. We don't like to keep secrets from each other.

  " I have to tell you something" she nodded while taking a bite of her cake

  " Mark and I broke into Bryce's house" her moth dropped open. " and he saw us, so he chased us out" I started laughing

  " OMG, Jacob.. He is going to kill you" she laughed

   We laughed until she stood up and walked towards the dock. I watched as she picked up two lanterns. She waved at me and smirked. I stood up quickly and ran over to her. She gave me a lantern. She stepped onto the canoe and I got on after her. We put a lantern at both ends of the boat.

  I started to move us out towards the center of the lake. I let the canoe drift as we stared up into the stars.

   " this is so romantic" she whispered and started giggling

  " your so adorable" I moved towards her. The canoe shook. It scared me because if it tipped over, that would not be good.

   I pulled her petite body towards me. I gripped her sides and pulled her in for a kiss.

  " did you feel that?" She asked while wiping her forehead

  " no-" I was cut off when I felt a rain drop land on my head

  " we should go back, I think it's gonna rain" she said

She was right. It started pouring and we weren't even out of the canoe yet. I gave her my jacket. She held it over her head like an umbrella, but it still wasn't helping. She took out her phone and called her dad.

  " dad, can you come pick us up? It started to pour" I heard him say yes

  Now we have to sit in the rain for ten minutes. I wrapped my arms around her in order to keep her warm. Her wet body made me even more cold, but as long as she was warm, I am ok. Dan's car finally showed up. We ran to his car and got in quickly. We both sat in the back together.

   " I have to stop somewhere. We should be home in about an hour" Dan said while looked at us through the rear view mirror.

  " ok" Jordan groaned

Jordan laid her head on my shoulder and started to fall asleep.

" good night" she whispered

Kevin's POV
Bryce barged through my front door. He was angry.

" Jacob and his little dweeb friend Mark snuck into my house!" He yelled

" what?!?" I asked " what are we going to do?"

" I'm not sure, that's why I came over. Zach and Weston are on their way"

So I guess we are going to make a plan to pay them back. Sometimes I can't stand what Bryce does to people. I was never like this before. I hate this. I hate myself.

  Everyone else got here. We all sat in q circle. I had a huge whiteboard so that we could write down the ideas.

   " we could staple their lips together" everyone left and I felt disgusted. I know that they were joking, but how did they even think off that?!

  " why don't we just confront them?" I asked

  " seriously? Did you seriously just ask that?" Weston gave me a dirty look

  They make me feel so stupid. All of a sudden, we all screamed when my dad barged through the door. He reeked of beer. The guys stood up quickly and stared at him.

  " what the fuck are you guys doing here?" My dad yelled while popping a pill in his mouth

  " dad..." He turned to me

  " shut up son, who are these kids in my house"

  Bryce, weston, and Zach turned to me and started walking closer to the door. Dad ran in front of them.

  " who are you!" He screamed
  Bryce clenched his fists, oh no...

  " we are Kevin's friends" dad stepped out of the way and let them out

   They ran to their bikes and quickly rode away from my house. I had just lost my friends.

  I'm going to the grocery store. I lied to my dad. I'm never going back. I can't. I'm walking to Jordan's house. I need to apologize. I'm done with Bryce and his dumb as friends. I had a chance to be friends with the good people and I said no to them. I just hope I can get another chance.

   I walked all the way to her house. Instead of sneaking in her house. I knocked on her door. A large man answered the door, I'm guessing it's her father.

   " hi, umm. Can I talk to Jordan, Jacob, and Sofia?" I asked politely

  " sure, come on in" he let me in

  Jacob was laying on the couch. He sat up quickly and called Jordan's name. Her dad went upstairs.

" Kevin!" I turned around and saw Zoey

   Hope you enjoyed❤️, sorry it took a while to update. I had to study for a final, a test, do an essay, and a book report😂 make sure to comment and vote for this chapter:)

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