18- but i love her

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Jacobs POV
Oh no. I turned around to Dan standing there with my mom. This is not going to turn out well.

"Jacob.. Your getting older.. And I know what goes on in a boys mind.. It's all girls" Dan said

This is embarrassing. Where is Jordan and her mom? I know I'm going to be taken back to my old house, and my old school.

" and" my mom said. " since we live with Jordan.. You have her as a distraction"

What does she do to distract me. It's not like we go to school. I don't really need to worry about grades as much anymore.

" so, what are you saying?" I asked them

I already known what their going to say. But I'm hoping I'm wrong.

" Jacob, we're moving to Boston Massachusetts to live with your Aunt and cousins" mom said walking towards me with her arms open.

She tried to pull me into a hug. I backed away. How can they do this? They know that Jordan and I love each other and almost killed ourself for each other. This can't be happening!

" Jacob..." Dan said because I was backing away from her


I pushed past them and out to the kitchen. Jordan was leaning against the kitchen counter. She looked up at me and ran to me. We hugged. Dan ran over and pulled us apart.

" dad!" Jordan said trying to get out of his grip

" your better off without each other" he said sternly

I looked at her as my mom held me back. I kept trying to walk towards her. Jordan's mom came over to help my mom, since I'm too strong for my mom to hold me.

They pinned me into the couch. Dan brought Jordan into the room. I heard yelling then Dan came back out. I laid there with mom and Jordan's mom still holding me down.

Jordan's POV
Dad brought me into my room. As he pulled me in I looked at Jacob and he was being pinned down by his mom and my mom. I feel so bad. Dad shut the door behind him.

" pack your stuff.." He said getting my suit case out of my closet

" no" I said confidently

" PACK YOUR BAGS" he yelled

" NO!" I screamed back

He put the suit case on the bed and left the room. I packed the suit case and sat on my bed. I thought to myself. I might never see Jacob again. I took out my phone and went on Twitter. I tweeted

Doesn't it suck when your parents are not letting you talk or see your true love.. Jacob is being taken away from me.. I hate my parents🖕🏻

I tweeted it then sniffled and wiped my tears. I got up and grabbed my suitcase. I walked out and Jacob looked at me. Dad grabbed the suitcase for me and told me to say goodbye. I walked slowly to Jacob.

He stood up and I started sobbing. He pulled me into one of his warm and tight hugs. He pulled away after 10 seconds and lightly kissed my lips.

Jacob ran into his room and grabbed on of his sweatshirts and gave it to me.

" never forget me" he said handing it to me

" I could never, I will always love you" I said sincerely

He started crying and dad came in. He took my hand and pulled me out the door. I'm going home, and never seeing Jacob again...

Jacobs POV
When the door shut behind Jordan I dropped to my knees and started crying my eyes out. A hand touched my back. I got on my knees and looked up to see
my mom. I scoffed and got up running to my room.

" while your in there, start packing!" She yells to me

I got my suit case out. I might as well go along with it. Jordan is gone already. I took out my phone and texted her

Me= hey, are you ok?
Jordan❤️= no, I miss you already
Me= it's ok, we'll see each other again
Jordan❤️= I have to go.. I'm at the airport
Me= alright, text me when you land.. I love you😚
Jordan❤️= I will... Love you too😘

I walked out of my room and mom was already packed. Jordan's mom was being nice to me. She usually always is nice, but right now she is too nice. She offered to by so much food for me. I love food. But I don't eat that much. The part I hate most about this is I'm never going to see her again.

    " before we leave, we have to go to the Apple Store" mom said as we were walking out the door

   " why?" I asked
   " I'll tell you when we get there" she said calmly

              Jordan's POV
    My dad and I are waiting for our flight at the airport. I'm so pissed at him right now. I barely got to say goodbye to Jacob. And I love him so much. I slumped down in my seat and went on my phone. Dad obviously doesn't care... Which hurts even more. He just doesn't understand the feelings Jacob and I have for each other. Speaking of Jacob, I'm gonna text him.
   Me= hey, I'm at the airport and I'm so bored... I miss youuuuu!

   Jakey😊💕= hey sweets, I'm going to the Apple Store.. Idk why, but we can still text:)

  Me= I don't want to talk about not being able to see you.. So,how are you😂

  Jakey😊💕= not too bad😂

  Me= my dad is telling me to get off my phone.. I gave him the middle finger😬😂

  Jakey😊💕= 😂I love it when yo-

   My phone was taken away from my dad while I was reading his text. I groaned and tried to grab it from him. He stood up and went on it. Well crap.

  " what is this?!" He said trying to be quiet because there are people around

  " I was texting Jacob.. Since I can't see him anymore.. Because of you!" I responded trying to get people's attention

   He put my phone in his pocket and refused to give it to me. Is he trying to make me angry? Or that just how he is😡

               Jacobs POV
   Jordan didn't respond back to me. Her phone must've died. I felt the car stop and I looked up from my phone. Mom took it out of my hand and put it in her purse. Umm, ok?

    " let's go.." She said and we all got out of the car

   When we got into the Apple Store I looked around and saw little kids playing games on the iPhone's while their parents were talking to the people who worked there. A man walked up to us and asked what we need.

   Mom took out my phone and said

   " we'd like to change the number on this phone"

   " WHAT?!??!" I yelled and everyone else around us turned to me

   I can't believe that his mom is making him change his number! Now he can't text, call, or FaceTime Jordan!😶 I hope you are enjoying❤️ I love writing this😂👍🏻

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