29- You've been marked

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( the bracelet above is the bracelet in the story)

Jordan's POV
Sofia and my dad hugged. I heard Jacob say

" here we go Fam" he's so adorable

" I'm going on a walk" I said

Jacob said that Mark was coming over, and Sofia wanted to meet Mark.. So I'm going alone, but it's fine.. I like having some time to myself. I put on my coat and left. The fresh air was great. When I was younger, I would always go to the park with my mom ( lol, I totally forgot about her mom!!😂😂Hahahaha) we had a spot by the swings where we would go and tell our goals in life. So I'm going to the park. I felt my heart drop and I saw that the spot was turned into a little fish pond. I went over to it and bent down next to it. The fish swam gracefully In the clear water. Where do I go now?

In the distance there is the woods. As I walked, twigs under my feet snapped.

" Please stop" I heard a girls voice scream.. But it seemed far away

As the girl kept talking I followed the sound. I dropped to the ground and watched in horror. Four guys were beating up a girl while she was screaming. I slid a sharp stick into my pocket. I man'd up and stomped over to them.

" hey!! Stop" I yelled

They stopped and looked at me. The girl was sobbing. She turned her head to me and let out a cry. She screamed " run" to me.

" you've been marked" a boy said grabbing my wrist and putting a bracelet on me

" what is this?!" I yelled while trying to take it off

I can't take it off! OMG. What does he mean " you've been marked". All of the guys walked away and I ran over to the girl.

" you shouldn't have done that!" She said standing up and brushing the dirt off of her

       " what's your name?" I asked

       " Eliza Colens" she said

       " why did they do this?" I asked

       " at my school, there are 4 boys.. Those boys.. If you anger them.. They Mark you... And they will Bully you physically and mentally" she said

      " why did they give me this bracelet?" I asked

   She tilted her head, why is she confused.. Isn't this what they do every time?

     " he gave you a bracelet?!?" She screamed

   I shh'd her. She calmed down

    " what does that mean?" I asked

    " it means he claimed you as his.. And he likes you" she said

              Jacobs POV
   Mark finally got here and we started playing x-box. Sofia ran in and asked to play. Mark couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Whenever she said something funny he would laugh then blush a lot. Ooooo! He likes Sofia. We were all laughing and having a good time until the front door swung open and my mom walked in along with Jordan's mom. ( they were gone for a business trip)

    " mom" I said running up and giving her a hug

    " where is Jordan?" Jordan's mom asked

   " the park, she should be back any minute" I said sitting back down on the couch

Seconds later, Jordan ran in the house then went straight up to her room. Sofia and mark stayed downstairs while I went after Jordan. As she was running away from me I noticed something on her wrist. When she reached her room she slammed the door behind her. I waited outside her door until she finally opened it.

" what's wrong??" I asked sitting on her bed

She walked over to her t.v and turned it on. She nodded her head 'no'. I sighed and laid down. Jordan and I snuggled while we were watching pirates of the Caribbean, my favorite movie. She wrapped her arms around my stomach, and I couldn't help but notice a bracelet. I touched it and she pulled her arm away.

" what's that?" I asked

" a bracelet" she said getting under the blankets

" no crap, where did you get it?" I asked her

She talked from beneath the covers.

" I can't say" she whispered

Ok.. this is annoying. I yanked the blankets off of her and grabbed her wrist. She tried to pull her hand away but I wouldn't let her. I studied the bracelet for a minute or so.

" how do you take it off??" I asked

She pulled her arm away and searched frantically for the clasp.

" where did you get it?" I asked again

She moved her hands to her forehead. She nervously walked in circles around the room.

I repeated my question and she stopped and looked at me. Jordan crawled onto the bed and put her hands on my shoulders, she's starting to freak me out.

" you can't tell anyone" she stared into my eyes like they were the first eyes she's ever seen

" I promise" I do promise

" I've been marked.. By four rich boys that go to edmin hill ( I just made that up, and it's a private school btw) I saw them beating a girl up in the woods and stopped them... The girl told me that if you anger them in any way that they will bully you.. And when they put this bracelet on.. She told me that the guy who put it on me, likes me... And claims me as his" a tear slid down her face

She's been marked... And this guy likes her so she has to be his?? Wtf is up with guys these days and them treating girls horribly. I jumped onto her and hugged her. That just makes me mad that they 'claim' her as theirs. No way, Jordan is my princess and no one will mess with her.

" Jacob..I'm sorry" she mumbled

" it's not your fault" I whispered and kissed her forehead

" I love you so much" she smiled

" I love you more" I smiled back

She smirked and jumped to her feet.

" No! I love you more!"

" I love you more!" I said giggling

For a while we kept saying we love each other more until we finally laid down and watched pirates of the Caribbean. I love her...

THIS IS FRICKEN GOALS! I know this is fake, but I'm so jealous of Jordan😂😂 she's been marked! What do you think is going to happen?? Comment down below what you think😛💕 and make sure to follow me & vote for this chapter :)

- Katie

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