43- Naked and afraid

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               Jacobs POV
    I opened my eyes and saw nothing but green. I looked down and saw my... ya, that. I gasped and slowly stood up. A car drove by and I instantly dropped to the ground. Its dark outside and its cold. Where am I? All I remember is that I was walking to marks house when I felt a sharp pain in my leg and then I fainted and heard a few laughs. I heard hisses. Snakes. If I get out of the bush, there is a chance that I will be seen by someone, but I could get bitten. Then again, I am naked and afraid, I probably just heard it. There are a lot of cars passing by me. I will wait until lat-

   " AHHHHHHH FUCK" I felt a bite in my butt

   Something shot into me. I turned around and there was a snake biting me. I screamed even louder. a car stopped. Christina and her mom jumped out.

  " is anyone there! are you ok?!" her mom yelled

  " me! help, I was bitten by a snake!" I cried

The snake was still grasping onto me with its mouth, I swear it was trying to eat me. Christina got out of the car and ran over. Her mom grabbed me and pulled me up. Christina screamed and shielded her eyes.  Awkward, she saw my thing.

  " Jacob! what happened" I turned around and her mom screamed

She stared at the snaked that was dangling from my butt.

  " Christina I need your help" Christina moved her hand away from her eyes and saw me naked

  " I am going to ' choke' it, and you with open its mouth so that it will release from him"

  " ok" she gulped

  I watched as people gathered around to watch. I also watched as her mom squeezed the snakes neck. Christina's hand touched me butt. I am in so much pain right now, but this is awkward. She put one hand on me and her other hand on the snaked. She pinched its jaw and it released from me. I quickly jumped away. I looked up and Jordan ran over. Her eyes widened and I realized she had just seen my thing. Dan ran around her and put a blanket over me. An ambulance showed up and I was hurried to the hospital.

  " do you know what kind of snake bit you?" the paramedics asked me

" no" I wish I knew

" then we will need to test your blood at the hospital to see if the snake was poisonous or not"

Jordan was at the hospital when I got there. I was rushed to a room and a doctor examined the bite. it was very red and bloody. Whenever he touched it, I felt a stinging pain. He told us that he would give me medicine. the bite needs to heal.

" the snake wasn't poisonous, you don't have to worry"

  We left happily and relieved that I was ok.

" Jacob!!" I turned around and Christina ran to me (btw, he was given clothes)

  " Christina! thank you so much" I hugged her

" I am glad that you are ok" she pulled away

  When we got home, I immediately went to bed. I still can't figure out who did that to me. Was it Bryce? because I cant think of anyone else that would do this to me.

                 Jordan's POV
I was so worried about Jacob, I cant believe I saw his thing. Christina must've seen it too because she was helping him. He told me why he was in a bush. My first suspicion was that it was Bryce and his stupid friends. Jacob wanted to sleep in his own bed tonight. I went to bed and dreamed about what I would say to Bryce.

- next morning-

I got up early so that I could go to talk to Bryce. I snuck out of the house and sprinted to his . He was sitting outside on his bike. He smirked when he saw me and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He rolled over to me.

" what's up?" He asked while smiling

" shut the fuck up.. I know that you did that to Jacob!" I yelled

" ok! I shot him with a dart that would make him pass out. Then I took his clothes off and threw him in a bush?! What is the big deal!" I had to look up at him since he was so tall

" he was bitten by a snake!! He could've died if it was poisonous!" I screamed

" what?" He lowered his voice and he seemed concerned

" you heard me" I started to tear up

I sprinted back to my house and ran upstairs. If Bryce is concerned about what happened, then why did he do it.

I am meeting Kevin today. Hopefully Jacob can become good friends with him. Zoey told me to go to her house. Since Jacob is resting, he can't go. But when he gets better, he can meet Kevin.

   " bye Jacob, feel better" I kissed him

   " bye babe, I'll see you later"

  I rode my old bike to Zoey's house. I pulled up and there was a tall boy getting out of a car.
  " Kevin?" I yelled to him and he turned around, he smiled

  " I'm Jordan"

   He smirked

   " I know" he winked at me and ran up to the door

   Umm, did he just flirt with me?? I ran in after him. As soon as I entered the house, Zoey and Kevin were kissing.

   We decided to watch a movie. Kevin was going to chose it. He wanted to watch a scary movie, I like scary movies, so its fine.

  As we were watching, I got up to go get a glass of water. He came in after me.

   " hey" he whispered in my ear

   " um... Hi"

  He got so close that I could feel his breaths on my cheek.

  " I know bryce" he giggled and ran back to the room

   My mouth dropped. Is he seriously another one of Bryce's stupid friends! And if so, that means he is just using Zoey to get to me!!!!

     Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for 100 followers and 19k!❤️ I never expected to get this much:) make sure to leave a comment and vote for this chapter😘

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