49- Maddie.Maddie.Maddie

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               Jacobs POV
   The school day finally came to an end.  I ran home since I couldn't find jordan. Kevin came with me. Zoey and Sofia went to Sofia's house, so they couldn't come. We got to my house and saw Jordan laying on the grass.

    " hey, how long have you been here?" Kevin asked her

   She bolted up. She ran to us and started breathing heavily.

   " maddie!"

  Maddie is the worst girl in the school. She has beaten up five high schoolers. No one ever messes with her. I never even messed with Maddie, why would Jordan bring her up.

   " what about Maddie?" I asked

   " Bryce told her that I was messing with him..." She paused." If I mess with him again, she will come after me and all of you" she sighed

   " so, how do we keep Bryce from telling Maddie things" Kevin asked

  It would kill me to let Jordan go with Bryce but that might be the only way to keep Maddie from hurting me and all of my friends.

  If we can get Bryce to think that Jordan likes him, he will leave us alone. Jordan can pretend to like him.

    " I have an idea!" I shouted

    " tell me tomorrow, I have to go home" he checked the time on his phone and ran down the driveway

   I turned back to Jordan, she tilted her head and asked what my idea was.

    "  pretend to like him" her eyes widened and a smirk spread across her face

                Kevin's POV
   I arrived at the hell hole, also called home. The door was wide open. I'm surprised. Why would someone want to break into my house. It's not like we have anything valuable. I bet we don't even have anything that costs over $200.

  I entered the house and found nothing but beer bottles and cigarettes. Inappropriate words have been written on the walls.

    " what the heck happened?!" I heard dad yell from behind me

   " I think someone broke into the house!" He seemed angry.. Not angry at the fact that our house was broken into but he seemed angry at me

   " you did this!" His anger overwhelmed him

   He started coming closer to me. I couldn't help but run. He scared me. I sprinted towards the front door but a large hand grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back. We were so close that our noses were touching.

  I screamed as loud as I could. He let go of me. He walked calmly into the kitchen. My heart slowed down and I started to not worry anymore. Suddenly he came out with a knife. It was the biggest knife in the kitchen.

    " dad..." He had no emotion on his face

  He lunged towards me and pushed the  knife into my stomach. My heart stopped. I stopped breathing. I felt dizzy. But most of all, I had severe pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw blood pouring out of me.

   I fainted. He ran out of the house. I screamed. He drove away in his car, I'm guessing to his friends house.

   I pulled out my phone and called 911. I pulled the knife out and covered the wound with my hand. I put pressure on it. I was weeping and screaming in pain. I was able to call Jordan. I hit FaceTime. She answered

    " Jordan!" I dropped the phone.

  My vision went blurry, and I fainted. I could hear Jordan yelling my name.

            Jordan's POV
  Kevin's phone dropped and all I could see was a ceiling. I started to have a panic attack. Even though I don't know what happened. He called my name then dropped the phone.

   I brought the phone up to my ear and tried to listen for any sounds. I heard nothing. I couldn't hear him breathing.
   I texted him but there was no response. I ran to Jacobs room and ran in.

    " hey"

    " I think there is something wrong with Kevin" I blurted out

     A few hours later, Jacob and I were eating dinner when our house phone rang. Mom answered it. Her hand flew up to her mouth, she gasped. She hung up and ran outside. She started her car then ran back inside.
    " Kevin is in the hospital! He was stabbed"

  My eyes started burning, my throat dried up. I burst into tears. I may not have been friends with him for that long, but he is still one of my best friends. What if Bryce did this?!?

   Jacob and I quickly got into moms car and drove to the hospital. We asked the woman at the front desk where he was. She said that he was in surgery. I hope he is ok.

   " what happened!" Zoey screamed when I answered her phone call

  " Kevin has been.." My voice cracked. " stabbed"

  " I'm coming!" She screamed into the phone which made my ears hurt

    After two hours. Zoey, Sofia, Jacob and I were aloud to visit Kevin. We
walked into the depressing hospital room. The shades were shut and it smelled like mint gum.

  Kevin was sleeping but we could wait for him to wake up. Jacobs leg was shaking. He's having an anxiety attack.

   " guys.." I whipped my head around and saw Kevin

   He had sat up on his bed. I ran and hugged him.

   " I need to tell you what happened" he whispered

    Thanks for reading❤️I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to comment and vote on this chapter👍🏻


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