34- Day ruiner

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Jordan's POV
Sofia and Weston kept staring at each other, in the kind of way that Jacob and I look at each other. Looks like they just fell for each other. No! Sofia can not like Weston! No way.

" I texted Bryce, he's on his way" Weston said... Still staring at Sofia

Great, now Bryce is coming, And where the heck is Jacob.

" Weston" I turned around and Jacob was holding three ice creams.. His voice cracked as he said it

" Jacob..." I said.. He shushed me and walked right up to Weston

Weston still had a big smile across his face. I feel like they are always one step ahead of us. They never get worried. They are always smiling, like something good is about to happen... only good for them.

" oh hey Ja-" jacob dropped the ice creams in the water and dove onto Weston, I couldn't help but laugh

Weston splashed around like a five year old kid. I had to rip Jacob off of him. Weston cussed under his breathe.

" what the hell are you doing here?" Sofia asked

One second she is falling in love with him, then the next, she is tense and frustrated with the fact that he is here. I don't understand. I'm leaving this fricken beach. Bryce will be here soon and I don't want to see him. The room started spinning. I couldn't make out the things around me anymore. My knees started to wobble. Woah.

I blacked out

Jacobs POV
" JORDAN" we all ran to her, her lifeless body was laying in the water

I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder. I could feel Weston trying to help me. I know I hate him, but this is Jordan, we need to bring her to safety. I stared at Weston.

" I'm sorry" he whispered

I nodded and he smiled.

" Jordan?!" I recognize the voice,
But I  kept running

  I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Who ever it was wasn't going to stop. A life guard ran over with two security men. They took Jordan out on a stretcher.

   I finally turned around to see Bryce. He looked concerned. I clenched my fist. He's bigger than me, but I bet I could beat him. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and I scoffed at him.

    " is Jordan ok?" He asked

    " are you ok?" I asked, why would he care?

     " what?" Bryce is such an idiot, I rolled my eyes

     " since when did you care about Jordan" I crossed my arms and turned around to look at her

    The ambulance arrived. Jordan's parents, and my mom started getting in. If I wanted to go to the hospital with them I had to go now. Sofia ran to it and I ran after her.

     " because I love her, and I won't rest until I get her" I heard Bryce say in a whisper

   If he was trying to be quiet so that I wouldn't hear it, he didn't do a good job. I turned around and flipped him off. He's a jerk, he can't just do this. I don't care if he is famous too, or if he is more rich... Bryce thinks he can have anything he wants.

  Jordan is a person, and she has feelings. It's too much pressure for her. Weston caused her to get hurt.

      - at the hospital-

    The doctor came out into the waiting room and handed Dan a bunch of papers.

   " she is fine, but she cracked her head open, on what we think was a rock in the water, you can visit her in about an hour" he walked away

    It's good that she is ok. Suddenly Weston came strutting into the waiting room like he owned the hospital. He plopped down on the seat next to me. I could smell his mint gum. Weston, Zach, Nick, and Bryce are the kind of guys who do mean things and don't apologize. So, I'm wondering why he said sorry to me earlier.

    " we need to talk" I pulled Weston to the boys bathroom

    " what?" He asked taking a piece of gum and putting it in his mouth

   He was chewing loudly, clearly trying to annoy me. He reached in his pocket to get another piece but I grabbed it and threw it across the room.

    " why did you say sorry?" I crossed my arms and his smile turned to an angry face

   I could tell that he didn't like that question.. Or maybe it was because I threw his gum

    " do you know how hard it is to be Bryce's friend?" He spit out his gum in the trash

    What does he mean? Aren't they good friends. Something I've learned about myself is that I'm good at getting people to spill all of their dirty secrets.

    " I don't want to be friends with him anymore-" I cut him off

    " then why are you?" He clenched his fists

    " he's that friend that I met in kindergarten.. We've been friends forever, I can't leave him now.. As much as I hate how mean he is to people, I can't leave him...I really miss the old Bryce" a tear slid down his cheek and I actually felt bad for him

    " I understand" he wiped his tears and smiled at me..I don't think anyone has understood him, so I'm happy that I made him feel better

   " I'm sorry for hurting Jordan"

    " it wasn't your fault, it was mine.. I just blamed it on you, and I'm sorry"

   Dan ran over and told us that we could see Jordan. Weston decided to leave because he felt to bad. I told him that I would talk to her about him once she gets out of the hospital. I ran around the corner of Jordan's room door and saw her watching t.v and drinking milk.

    " Jacob!" She yelled and I pulled her into a hug

  She winced in pain , so I pulled away

    " I'm so glad your ok" she quickly sat up... Which surprised me. She moved her legs so I could sit next to her.

    Our parents left the room so that we could talk. As soon as they shut the door, I turned my head and jordan grabbed my face. She smashed our lips together. She climbed on top of me, keeping our lips together...the last kiss was amazing. I pulled away so I could breathe.

    " I love you" she kissed my jaw line and sent shivers down my spine

   " goodnight my love" she giggled and pulled the sheets over her face

       Hope you enjoyed:) just letting you know.. I will never! Do anything more inappropriate than them making out😂👍🏻 thanks for reading, leave a comment, vote for this chapter, and don't forget to follow me❤️

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