38- First day at MAGCON

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             Jordan's POV
   Jacob and I sat down right next to each other. Hunter and Brandon were there, also Blake. I felt like whenever I started talking they all stared at me. It was very awkward for me.

    " so.. Jordan, are you excited for MAGCON" Hunter asked after he took a bite of his pizza

  " ya, I'm really excited" everyone nodded their heads

    Jacob poked my leg with his fork. I turned to him and he motioned for me to come closer.

   " if you want to go, we can" he whispered

   " no, it's fine" I whispered back

   Everyone talked about the schedule for tomorrow. I thought that we would just go on stage and people would sing and dance. Then again, there are meet and greets and merchandise signing.

   " we should all go to bed, we have a long day tomorrow" Aaron said while standing up

   Everyone said goodnight. Jacob and I walked back to our room along with his mom. He laid down on the uncomfortable couch. I feel so bad.

   " just get in the bed" pat whispered

   Jacob jumped up

    " really?" He ran over and got under the covers in my bed

   Pat turned off the lights and Jacob pulled me into his chest. I laid my head on him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

             Jacobs POV
    Jordan must think it's awkward. Everyone was staring at her, I wonder if if was because she was the only girl. Even though Hunter and Blake were practically drooling. I can tell they are attracted to her.

   I held Jordan in my arms and dreamed about tomorrow.


    A fan ran up to me while we were doing the meet and greets. She jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me. I spun her around and when I put her down I looked to my left to see Jordan and Hunter flirting with each other.

    " I really like you" Hunter whispered

    She placed her small pointer finger on his lips.

    " shhh, Jacob might hear" she turned to me and her mouth dropped

     - dream over-

   I sat up quickly. I had realized that Jordan wasn't beside me anymore. I moved my hands along the bed. I felt a bump and it was Jordan. That scared me. I went back to sleep and had another dream but Jordan was with Blake.. Great.

            Jordan's POV
   I woke up on the floor. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I guess I fell off the bed last night and hit my head. I stood up and smiled when I saw Jacob sleeping. He's so adorable. His messy hair stuck up.

   " good morning" pat sat walking in the room

   I didn't even realize she wasn't here

   " I got desayuno" she said in Spanish (desayuno means breakfast, if you didn't know)

    She took Dunkin donuts box out from behind her back. She got Jacob a strawberry frosted donut and I got a chocolate frosted donut.

   I turned around to see Jacob waking up. He ran his fingers through his adorable hair. My phone had blown up with hate comments the last few days. It hurts, but I can't let it get to me. Jacob and I get hate all the time but we try to let it not effect us.

   " Jacob" he turned to me and smiled

   " your mom got donuts" I handed him his donut and he ate it happily

   It's 10:34. We all need to shower and get ready. Then go and get out make up done, then do a sound check, then family photo. Then finally, MAGCON starts.

   Jacob beat me to the shower and took his first. He takes long showers so I watched Netflix.

   " what took you so long?" I playfully smacked his arm when he finally came out of the bathroom

   I ran in and took a 10 minute shower. It was 11:15 when we left to get out make up done. The ladies were nice and they did their job quickly. We had to run to the event. Fans had already lined up. They screamed when we ran by. 

    " time for sound check" Jacob ran and jumped onto Cameron

    I ran over to Hunter and Blake, I might as well talk to them and become friends.

   " hey" they turned to me and smiled

   " hey Jordan.. Wanna play catch" he put a tennis ball in front of my face

   " sure" we went to different sides of the room

   He threw it. We are supposed to keep it away from Blake. Everyone started to play. Hunter and I teamed up, we kept it away from all of them for a long time. I was faster than Jacob. But I'm definitely not faster than cam. He got to the ball before me and passed it to Jacob.

   " guys! Family photo" Bart yelled from the stage

   We all raced to family photo. We all took our seat. The first fan came in and instantly ran to Blake. She sat down and the photo was taken. After family photo we went into the back room. It took so long until they finally said that they were having us come out now. I was the third one out and Jacob went out before me.

   " bye cam!" Everyone yelled as cam ran out. The sound of the fans screams made you smile, we love making them happy

   " I love you" Jacob kissed me and sprinted out and the screaming was louder that time.

   I'm next and I'm very nervous. I got ready and when they called my name, I ran out went slow as I walked by the fans. I hugged a few girls. Once everyone got on the stage, we started dancing and singing. It was lit and I loved it.

   It was amazing until I felt Hunters hand stroke my butt.

    Hope you enjoyed❤️What is Hunter doing?!?👎🏻 make sure to vote and comment on this chapter and don't forget to follow me.. Also, go follow SamReynolds1 she is writing a book and it is really good so go check it out:)


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