5- Leaving

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Jordan's POV

I yawn. I turn my head to my alarm clock. It's 9:30. I got up and walked to the bathroom. Jacob stood there putting his toothbrush into a bag.

" morning,"

He nods and walks away. What?

I won't think anything of it though. I skip happily down the stairs and the smell of bacon and pancakes overwhelm me. I pause and breathe in through my nose. Ahh. The smell of bacon is so satisfying! I walk into the kitchen and there sits, Jacobs sister Caroline, and Jacobs mom. Also my dad. I grab my plate and sit down.

" hi?" I say, sounding more like a question.

My dad nodded his head towards the other room. I get up p and walked to the living room and turned on the t.v. He must not want me to hear what they talk about max But in the background I can hear them talking.

" Mom, I don't want to bring him to California if he's not serious about this." I hear Caroline say a little too loud. I drop my piece of bacon. I set my plate down on the table. How could Jacob leave? So what! I told my dad about him being physically and mentally bullied and now he wants to leave? I was worried about him.

I storm up the stairs and stop at Jacobs door. I hear zippers. I open the door and step in. Jacob is closing up a suit case.

" where the hell are you going and why?!" I ask with tears burning in my eyes.

" I'm leaving" he whispers turning away.

" yeah no shit. Why? Is it because I told my dad?" I yell. He walks towards me and stops once we were an inch apart.

" I can't stand it anymore Jordan."

He slowly pulls up his sleeves and 3 red cuts sit on his arm. I cover my mouth and gasp. He pulls his sleeve back down and goes back to packing.

I walk towards him sobbing," I'm so sorry! I didn't know Jacob" I cry.

He turns to me and we hug." It's fine. I just need another new start"

" and I can't be in it because I ruined your life!" I run out, slamming the door behind me.

I sprint to my room as I hear Jacobs door open. I run and jump on my bed. I shove my face into my pillow and cry my eyes out. I lay there for a few hours. When I lift my face up my pillow has mascara stains on it. I get up and walk to the laundry room and throw the pillow in.

Jacobs POV

Jordan is very mad. But it's ok. I'm leaving tonight. I won't have to see her ever again. After she stormed off saying that this was her fault. I felt bad. It's not her fault. I just can't stand the bullies. I have to leave here and find a school where it won't be as bad. I saw Jordan putting a pillow in the washing machine. Has she been crying for 2 hours? Whatever, it's not my problem to deal with.

" Jacob! Let's go." Caroline yells from downstairs.

" Coming!" I reply. I look at the sign Jordan put up on my door one last time.

Jacob the Elf Sartorius!

I laugh. I remember when she wrote that. We laughed for days. I make my way down to her door. I knock lightly and she opens the door. There stood Jordan with bags under her eyes. She has been crying for a while.

" what do you want." she wipes her tears with her sleeve.

" I-I'm leaving,"

" I just want to tell you. I know it's my fault. You don't have to protect me. But just know, I'll always like-loved you" a tear slides down her cheek. I reach up and brush it off with my thumb. She closes her eyes, savoring my touch.

My dad is his security guardDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora