26- Samantha

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Jacobs POV
My alarm went off. Why? Because we have school!

Dan opened my door and told me to get up. I went to the bathroom, and got ready. I looked in the mirror and my hair looked good today. Jordan came into my room

" I don't want to go" she complained

" c'mon! It won't be that bad" I passed her toothbrush to her

She started brushing her teeth. Sofia ran in and jumped on my bed.

" good morning" she said smiling

" morning, what are you gonna do all day while we are at school?" I asked her

She shrugged and said " I don't know, just chill I guess"

I nodded and Dan came in again. This time he was a little mad. He wants us to have breakfast. We all walked down the stairs. I stretched and yawned, I haven't woken up this early since the last time I went to school. Dan placed a plate in front of me and Sofia, Jordan sat there and refused to eat.

" Jordan, suck it up. Your going to school" Dan said

She picked up her fork and ate. I feel bad for her, I know she doesn't want to go to school. I don't want to go, but I'm being positive about it.

" alright, I'm going to work, Sofia you can invite someone over if you would like, help yourself to any food, and the t.v remote it right here" he said giving Sofia the remote

" thanks Dan" she smiled and ran to the t.v

Jordan and I said bye to Sofia and we got on the bus. People were staring at us. But not in a hateful way. A lot of people asked why we were back, we said Jordan's dad is making us come back. The bus stopped in front of the school. Jordan took a deep breath. I comforted her by rubbing her arm. She smiled and stood up. She walked off the bus confidently.

Jordan's POV
I don't want to be back at this hell hole. I hate it here. Jacob thinks it won't be that bad. We may have gotten a few smiles and "welcome back"'s from people but I know there are people who will be mean.

" I'm Samantha, you must be new" and girl jumped in front of me

She's really pretty, she has brown hair and blue eyes.

" well, kinda" I said laughing

Jacob introduced himself. She seems like she is interested in Jacob. This girl better watch out, because Jacob is my boo(😂) . When we got to our lockers she left.

" she seems nice" Jacob said. " now we have one friend" he said holding his hand up for a high five, I smacked it and smiled, maybe she isn't attracted to him.. I'm just being over protective.

Samantha's POV
" Sam!" My friend Britney yelled to me

" hey, I just met these two new kids" I said twirling my hair around my fingers

" oh, what's their names?" She asked picking a book up for someone

" Jacob and Jordan"

" what!? They're back" she asked surprised, she doesn't seem happy about this...

She told me about everything, and the whole thing with that Blake kid. He is a jerk. I honestly think Jacob is so hot. ( by the way! The picture above is the house that Jacob and Jordan live in, i was thinking it would help you imagine the. " scenes" better😂👍🏻 )

I wonder if Jacob is single... Because I would love to date him. I hope he is interested in me. I saw him.

" hey Jacob!" he turned around and walked to me

" what's up" he said popping the p

Omg, I really like him... he's so perfect, his dark hair, his personality and he is really funny. I had already gotten my lunch from my locker. Jacob and I started walking to lunch together. We saw Jordan and she ran up to him. I swear my heart burst when she slammed her lips onto his... and he kissed back. They are dating... that just ruined my day.

We sat down at a table and people kept coming up to Jordan and saying welcome back! Like, no one cares! I'm usually really nice.. but don't get on my bad side.

" so, how was your day" I asked Jacob

Jordan seems kinda mad.. so what, I'm just talking to him.. wtf is her problem. I finished my lunch and threw away my trash. I have gym next. Why do they put gym right after lunch? They do realize that someone might throw up? idiots.

" we have gym, I'm gonna throw up If they make us run" I laughed

They both laughed. When lunch was done we walked to gym. Our gym teacher told us to go run a lap. The whole 7th grade started running. I'm really fast so I was at the front the whole time. Jacob was on my left and Jordan was on his left. I was running as fast as I could, because I really want him to like me.

Jacobs POV
    Samantha is really pretty. I love Jordan, I cant fall for Samantha. Jordan left because she saw Zoey. Sam and I were running together. When she was running I couldn't stop looking at her. She is hot and nice, and hilarious. I feel like when I'm with Jordan its really sad all the time... I still love her but you always have a few relationships before you find the one.

" we did it!" she said throwing her arms up in the air

We finished first.She hugged me and I didn't pull away. I'm guilty. Jordan didn't see this right? the last thing I want to do is hurt her feelings. Jordan ran up to us when we weren't hugging anymore. Zoey ran up behind her. She seems mad. She walked up to me and bam! she slapped me. Then Zoey kicked me in the shin. Ow. I rubbed my face. Samantha turned me around and frowned

" omg, are you ok?" she asked

Jordan hit my eye too so now I have a black eye. Sam walked me to the nurse. See, this is why I kinda like her.

what do you guys think of Samantha? she seems nice, or is she going to mess everything up between Jordan and Jacob... Hope you enjoyed :) make sure to follow me and vote for this chapter! ❤

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