It wasn't always like this... :Chapter 2

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September 10th 1996, for me, was one of the most special days of my life. Why? Because my best friend was born and shortly after that on September 20th I was born. Just 10 days apart, Its like we were made for each other. Though being quite different to each other we got on so well and became unbelievably close. 

I would teach him what I know, like surfing and gymnastics likewise he taught me what he's good at like his strong love for basketball.

Even our stupid small fights wouldn't last long because we knew how to make each other laugh. Plus, when looking at that face its hard not to forgive him.

*Flashback ~At 5 years old*

On our quiet but lively road at the very top was a park filled with every child's dream

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On our quiet but lively road at the very top was a park filled with every child's dream. Me and Jack would go there at the same time because we only have the most fun with each other.  I just loved the feeling of adrenaline as a child going high on the swings. Or the force of gravity pushing you down on a slide that seems so tall, but looking at it now, it wasn't high at all. It's funny how things seem so big when you feel so little.

It was a warm morning. My little feet ran to the only best swing in the park beating Jack by a mile. Huffing, he frowned realising he had to use the 'not so good one'. Accepting it, he replaced it with a small bright smile showing his white tinted teeth.

Our mum's walked slowly in their company's gossiping away just behind us. My mum, sober,  cradled her pregnant belly with my sister Leela just ready to come out. I push myself on the swing simultaneously Jack tried to swing the highest. At first it was harmless game, but then turned into a violent competition. Okay, it wasn't that violent, but Jack won and of course, being the child he was - he had to rub it in my face. Its the culture of being a child.

"HA HA! I win you lose you look like big FAT POO!" Clutching his stomach, he rolls on the floor just crying with laughter.

My blood boiled in hate. I couldn't hold back and word vomited something a 5 year old would dread to hear in their whole life. "You're not my friend anymore Jack." followed by a thumbs down. Running after my mum, I put my arms around her leg and burst into tears. The walk back to his for tea, was just filled with silence between us. Even after his mum trying to force him to apologise. 

"Whaaaat yoooou paaaaintinggg?" Jack asked in a sing song voice, hovering his big head over my sheet of paper. After tea to keep us entertained usually we do soemthing like painting.

"A flower," I whisper quiet enough for just the both of us to hear as I dipped my fine brush into the green paint.

"Oh, that's boring, I'm doing a dragon! With red big fire breathing out and eating my teacher. MWAHHAHA" I glanced at his picture, it was horrendous. I stay quiet and continued painting my delicate pink flower. He sighed, staring at me WITH his big brown eyes, knowing he hasn't accomplished trying to be my friend again. I smiled at my masterpiece and sat with my legs crossed on the mat in the living room

Jack ran over with his stupid dragon painting with a card along with it. It read, "I'm so so so so sorry really pleaz be my friend i mis yu."   I laughed at the spelling mistake and made my way to Jack. He looked at me hopeful so I hugged him. "Its okay Jacky you never hurt me." 

And like that our fight was ended.

*End of Flashback*

That was cute huh? He couldn't stand hurting me but now he could hurt me and it wouldn't care to him and the worse part of it all was he often encouraged his friends to do it as well. Its so sad how he was such a big part in my life now its just gone. He was my best friend, my everything I could tell him anything. I told him everything. Everything was going so perfectly. What happened? What did I do? Maybe he didn't love me... or maybe we were just a victim of teenage love.

*Flashback ~ At 15 years*

It was the first day of high school, my palms were sweaty and it was like my voice was ripped away from me. I just had a really hard time fitting in because i hate being out of my comfort zone. However Jack had no difficulty making friends as soon as he stepped in, he blended with the crowd. 

Slowly throughout the term his popularity increased so hanging and knowing people like me was such a hit to his school identity. All this made me feel overwhelmed, before I knew it people talking about me when they don't even know me. They don't even know my name. How could one be so horrible without knowing who the person is. It's like judging a a empty house. From the outside it may look old, lonely and in the windows you see nothing special inside. But once you go into it and look throughout you'd see all the little unique things that makes the house stand you realise how much judged wrong.

I sat crying  into my hands at the bench in the very park we used to play in when we were kids. A rustle in the bush made me snap my head to the direction where the sound came from. "Who's there?" I call out.

A tall tanned Jack with a pink rose. "I saw this pink flower and thought of you, remember when you were obsessed with drawing them?" he chuckled. I wasn't in the mood. Its been a while since me and Jack even properly spoke. 

"Listen Layla, just because you don't think you have anyone doesn't mean you don't have me." He sits patiently next to me. "You're so beautiful Layla in my eyes, I don't know why they hate you because you are so amazing like AMAZING AMAZING." I couldn't help a little giggle at his exaggeration. Jack smiles handing me the delicate rose.

"Why do you even like me Jack? Why choose me out of all people?" My voice cracked and looked into his widened eyes as he was shocked at my words. 

"Because... I love you." I look at him in disbelief. I loved Jack I always have but our friendship was so precious I couldn't ruin it so I decided to act on it. EVER.

He leaned in slowly closing his eyes. I copied his action, but I was so clueless of what I was doing. His soft, plump lips touch mine and instantly I feel something I never thought existed. It was filled with passion, but yet so gentle. He pulled away and smiled, pressing our foreheads together.

"I love- " I blurt. I could tell his heart was also pounding of his chest. "I love you too." My hand intertwined with his.

"Always and forever?" He questioned.

"Always and forever."

end of flash back*

My first friend, crush, love, kiss, he took it all only to leave me alone again. He promised but it broke. Clearly we had different ideas what friends mean. Right after that day, a year later he found his new group leaving me to cry in the insults. He is the reason i want to give up. He made rumours that i was trying to get with him and made up stories of our friend ship.He acted like he doesn't know me.

He acted like he doesn't know me

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