Friends again? :Chapter 19

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 Time went pretty quick that cause Luke sat next to me and keep me entertained that the first hour went pretty quickly. He's really funny and stupid.When we first walked in the room we got stares and comments but for once I didn't let it go to my head. Luke smiled warmly at me also ignoring the comments that's when i knew this guy could change me back. Second lesson bell went and we have gym/physical ed.I LOVE GYM.Because I'm athletic this is my type of thing but i hold that back. I hold it back because of judgment. Which for some reason is always used on me.

"Gym next huh" I snap out of my thoughts back to Luke who was packing his bags.

"Uh yeah." I nervously agreed and packed my things too.

"Whats wrong?" I sighed and shaked my head.

"Nothing." I formed my lips into a thin line.He didn't seem to push further on the subject.

 "Is the teachers any good because i suck at sports and i don't want nagging cows." He ranted."Yeah your teacher let me see." I take his paper and see his teacher's name to be Mr Jacobs. I laugh "Yeah your teacher is a dick. Good luck." I fake smiled. 

"Thanks I'm going to need it." He chuckled as we walked.

Outside of the gym hall hall stood the 'Magcon boys' The bully gang. Almost shocked and confused. I let my hair fall along my back and stood tall. I have Luke I'm not scared. "Luke.." I turned to him and stopped walking. "Those boys over there are not nice and by looking at there face me being with you looks as if they wont be nice to you as well.Be careful ok?" He chuckled and looked at them.

"I'm not scared but I'll be careful mum" I lightly punch him on the shoulder then say my good byes. I sauntered to the ladies room and glance back to see Luke disappearing into the boys room the gang following behind. I hope he'll be ok.


I changed into my normal kit getting the casual stares and remarks about my body. "Look at that fat bitch" Lucy snickered she was the school gossiper, if she finds out one thing she'll will spread it around the school quicker then fire. "What's does she eat?" Her and her friend laughed. 

My eyes began to wet and I couldn't help to sniff. "Omg are you crying? What a fucking loser, go and fuck you self you ug-" the annoying voice stopped.

 "Don't talk to her like that you piece of shit" I recognized that voice. I turned round to a trembling Lucy. Standing in front of her was my old girl best friend, Melissa other partner in crime. Out of all my old friends she hasn't said one mean word to me, she just stopped talking to me because I was seen as different

"Oi don't talk to her like that." Lucy friends snaps at Melissa.

"Yeah and what if i want? What are you going to do?" She smirks at their fright. I hold in a laugh urging to come out. "Nothing." They mumbled and nervously walked out. I let out the tempted laugh Melissa joined."Their. Faces." I say breath in between words. Melissa nods and laughs harder.

"Thanks by the way." I say after the laughter died down. She smiled warmly "Its no problem. I hate people being mean to you and I'm sorry i haven't said or done anything I'm such a shit friend" I smile. At least she cared still and not forgotten me.

"Its cool." I pulled her into a hug. "Come on we have to get to class." I hope class goes good....  

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now