Chased :Chapter 4

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"Layla...I'm-I" He stuttered looking down examining my scars. 

"Jack just punch the fucking idiot already or I'll do it myself." Cameron growled taking another step forward towards me. My heart quickened, today, no doubt, was the day I die. 

"No." Jack looked at me with guilt tripped eyes pleading silently for forgiveness. 

"Forget it I'll do it myself."

My eyes searched frantically around me trying to figure out what I can do just to get out of this situation. I'm not going to give up like this. Jack's hand that was once tight around my wrist was now loosened giving me that free pass. So did what anyone in my position would have done.

I ran.

Quickly not knowing where I was going and if they were following. I look behind to the charging boys coming my way heart pounding, my panicked breath like thunder in my ears, thighs burning, lungs on fire, praying not to trip. Adrenaline almost bursting through my skin, eyes wide with fear, screams locked in my throat. 

He's coming. I can hear his heavy steps pounding the asphalt. His groans of infatuation. He's right behind me. I feel his fingers snatching my arm. My body bobs backwards. The scream squeaks through my scorched throat. Snatching at the air, I beg it to help me keep my balance. I see the stars watching from the heavens. His face looming over mine. My body numb. Blackness.

Who was this man? His comforting hand held my back, delaying my legs from collapsing under me. My knees did not reach the floor before he had lifted me into his arms, carrying me to his car. I open my eyes only to be blinded by the streetlight. I shot up and took a long hard glare at the driver. "You okay?" He asks. I know that voice. My head spun like crazy but soon it became clear. It was Jack. My Jack.

"Stop the car." I whispered. Ignorance at finest he didn't answer me. "Stop the car." I say in more of a louder tone for him to hear just as well but he as expected he didn't. 

"STOP THE FUCKING CAR JACK." The power of my words he abruptly stops the car. Even though my head was pounding with pain I quickly rush to get out the car. 

"Layla." Jack jumps out his car following behind me. "Layla." He says one more time grabbing my hurt hand and spun me around. Bewildered, I snatch my hand away, who exactly am I to him.

I scoffed "I wish that I had i never met you Jack, There would be no need to impress you. No need to ever want you. No need for loving you, crying over you because of heartbreaks. No need for pain or tears or forgotten promises. No need for crying myself to sleep. No need for acting like you care.

No need, for everything you've done to make me feel like absolutely nothing."

His mouth didn't move. He didn't even make a movement. All I could hear in between us was the deafening silence. A prime example of him not speaking up yet again. I must be so not important that a few words just a few can't be spoken. So turn my heel and left him alone in the darkness that ate him alive.

 My tears threatened to leave my ocean eyes. I cant hold them back. First, one small crystal bead escapes from my right eye. I can feel the warmth, sliding down my cheek, and rolling off my chin. Then another. Then another. Until my eyes flood with them, coming like a rainfall. Sniffing every ten seconds, they fall, and fall, and i let them.

 I feel empty.

I am empty.

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now