Sorry :Chapter 11

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Jack P.O.V

I slowly turned round awaiting to see her face. I just stood blankly, staring up at the beauty before me. "Hello." I managed, the word rolling out of my mouth like tumbleweed.

The anxiety curled into my stomach, hands clawing up my throat and choking me letting the words I had practiced over and over again in the mirror in my bathroom be dragged back down my throat and dissolved into the acid of my belly, but all I can worry about it keeping my knees from buckling under the weight of my wobbly body.  All my nerved on edge.

"Hi." She mumbles while fiddling with a bracelet on her hand. She does this when she is either scared or nervous."You still have the bracelet i gave you." I smirked. I gave her it on her birthday while we were together. Its was simple but she fell in love with it i can't believe she still has it.

She hums in response as a answer."Actually i don't know why i still have it- it means nothing now." My smile instantly drops. I cleared my throat."So why are you here?" She asks rudely.I know she was pissed, i have been hurting her for years when i promised to protect her.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For hurting you both mentally and physically. Then watch my friends do it to you from a far .Words can't describe how much I'm sorry Layla"

She scoffed loudly. "That first night when you bullied me I would rather you took a knife to my skin that speak those words so cold. You speak to me as if I were a stranger when for the past few nights we've been as close as it is possible for two people to be. You strike out as if I have crossed some invisible line in the sand. You look into my eyes and say whatever will hurt the most, and knowing me as you do that isn't hard to come by. Perhaps you will take the one thing I am most proud of and shatter it with glee. In those moments I don't know who you are and I wonder if you know yourself. Don't you know what you're doing? Can't you stop?"

My eyes widened at her speech it was so fluent over flowing with meaning. Was that practiced or off her head? "I hurt you and I'm so sorry. I pull with one hand - push away with the other. I know I'm doing it but I don't stop. I love you and I'm scared to. When I love it's too strong, like God turned my emotion dials up way too far and no-one really likes it. . I can't turn my emotions down, can't temper them the way others don't appear to have to - but I can give mixed messages to disguise my love. If you really want to know me, I can do it without hurting you." My eyes tried to hold back a tear. She has to believe me but the look on her face is more 'You deserve this' to 'I forgive you'.

"I can never love you again Gilinsky."  

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now