Hiding :Chapter 9

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 Do i really want to meet him? I haven't talked to him properly for years how can i now? I bit my lip and sat on the edge of the blue plastic chair blanking out the whole classroom. "Layla? Layla? Layla!!" My thoughts was broken by the old lady i have to call Mrs Smith. I sigh and look up to her red face. "What do you want?" I sassed.

The class quietly laughed causing her to snap her head to them making them to be in a sudden silence. "Well i want you to answer my question?" She tapped her pen on the board. I understood English so the question was a piece of cake and of course she didn't think or know that. I roll my eyes. "Um William Shakespeare." Her faint smile turns down.

"Yes it is well done." Everyone under estimates me.

I feel mumbles behind me following with quiet laughs. "Wow your such a bitch" A sharp whisper brushes my eye. I turn around to Aaron with a smirk. I fake smile at him and put my hand on my heart. "Aw thank you.I know." His friends laughed and girls gave glares .I notice Jack smiling in me making me feel squirmy? I don't know if thats the right word. However Aaron had his jaw clenched and fist forming balls. He opened his mouth a bit but before he could say more i turn back to the board.

The bell rings after ages. The class begins packing our bags in middle Ms's sentence."The bell doesn't dismiss you I do!" I really wanted to get out of this place. "Then what the fuck is the bell for?" I asked in a loud kind of tone. The class filled with laughter andI was always center of attention but this time it feels different. It feel weird."DETENTION FOR YOU!"

"Cool" I simply replied and walked out. The rebellious side of me wants to jump out. The one some has known for me. I always had this but hid it and know it wants to come out but i wont let it. I keep it in the inside because i know that's the safest place to hid it...  

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now