Saved :Chapter 13

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I dread every step i had to take towards my bullies. Once again fear found me. It spoke to me in its cackling voice. It told my legs to go weak, my stomach to lurch and my heart to ache. My mother once told her that there was nothing to fear but fear itself, but still I could not silence its voice.

 My palms were sweaty and the adrenaline coursing through his system was shutting down his ability to think logically. I look up and see i was closer then i thought i would be. I joined a crowd of people to disappear in but i know it just wont work.

Just as I was bout to leave the hall a firm grip around my arm pulls me back in.Furious at the guy, i look up and our eyes meet. Jack looked serious and yanked me away from his friends who were screaming. "Yeah Jack!Beat her good!" and "Your make a realize shes a hoe!" etc.

Jack pulled me into the closet and looked out the small window in silence. I breathed in and out but air wouldn't enter my lungs. Starved for air, my heart raced at tremendous speeds, and my lungs shallowly rose and fell in time. I stood there for what felt like an eternity but was actually only five minutes. Satisfaction of security was nothing but a distant memory , and an invisible force crushed me from every possible direction. Each second submerged in fear made a permanent mark on my heart, and a vivid imagination made me wander whether it was just my mind playing tricks or reality.

Jack looked back at me and noticed something was wrong.He was going to hurt me.He could kill me!!He ran up to me.His arms stretched up at me, I flinched and tightly shut my eyes. Nothing happens. 

I was waiting for something to hit my head and make me fall on the floor.Instead when i open my eyes, he was just going to hug me."I'm so sorry i wasn't going to hurt you." He whispered to the ground more then to me.

I sigh in relief and also an response" What do you want!" I hiss.

Jack opens his mouth but then closes it again, like a fish.

"Jack i don't want to argue or cry, I'm just not up for it please." I perch on the edge of the desk in this janitors cupboard. He copies and asks me "Does anyone know you cut?" I look at him in surprise. Suddenly he cares? I shake my head and play with the bracelet on my hand, my favorite one."Why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you.Why do you do it!" Jack whisper/yells.

"Jack you were busy with those new friends of yours. Its not like you'd care. When I'm upset i shut my self down. I have no motivation for anyone. I tell my self nobody cares, even though i know some people do. I think of all the negative things I could possibly think of. I give my self all the pain, thinking i deserve it. I'm not sure why i do that but thats how i am."

I peek up at Jack who's eyes were red and holding back a tear. He suddenly hugs me tight. "You were so strong and i broke a big part of you without noticing.I'm so sorry." I pull away and stand up.

" What you have done hurt me I'm not sure i can forgive you that quickly." I had to say this.What if i fall in love again and he hurts me again? He stands up next to me.

"Please Layla, i said I'm sorry." Jack's voice cracked.

"I just need time." I walked out leaving Jack in the closet.I wipe away the tears and walk to my locker. A roar of multiple laughter comes from the way of my locker. I whip around the corner and see them there again. Uh oh.

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now