Into the clear :Chapter 14

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I appear out from the corner and the laughter stops. "Didn't he beat you up?" Carter says. They all were confused.

 "Yeah some reasons the guys gone soft on you." Nash steps closer. I'm surprised they can't hear my heart which was rapidly beating. "Oh well we just have to do it for him" Taylor chuckled. His hand quickly raises to slap me.

 I shut my eyes waiting for a sting that reminds me of what i am. Instead nothing happens, a recurring thing. I open my eyes and see Jack holding Taylor's hand from slapping me.Jack fist was red from fresh blood."What the fuck man get off me!!" Taylor pulled his hand from Jacks grip.

"Not today man." Jacks say clearly talking about hurting me. But why not i deserve it. "Layla go.Go home." I grab my bag and ran out the door safely. Why did Jack save me? Why does he care?

Jack's P.O.V

That girl has a habit of leaving people speechless. I miss her. I can't believe this is happening AGAIN, I hate this.It was hard enough the first time and know i guess i have to go through it again .Left with question and lost for answers. I don't know if i can handle it .Losing her i mean. 

It suck, it fucking sucks.And i hate myself for not trying harder but i feel like I'm annoying her and so i just can't bring my self to try because i feel like she doesn't want me to be there anymore. Maybe she's moved on...

I hit the wall in anger. Why did i hurt her? Why did i ever leave her? A warm liquid runs down my arm and drips down hitting the floor. I grab a cloth and clean my self up. A voice boomed down the hall "Didn't he beat you up." My head snaps up. Layla.

I bolt out to where all the commotion was. When i get there i see Taylor's hand raised up to hit her. My anger boiled through me. I grab Taylor's hand before he could touch her. I give him a viscous glare " What the fuck get off me man!!" He ripped his hand from my grip.The guys stood confused and from the corner of my eye i see Layla is too. "Layla go.Go home" I say before they could get any idea to hurt her.She doesn't think twice and grabs her bag, running to towards the door.At least she's safe for now.

"What is wrong with you." Cameron shouts. I can't be assed with this shit.I leaned on the lockers like nothing happened. "Yeah man.Why the fuck do you suddenly care about her?" My best friend Jack says. Second best. I shrug not waiting to tell the past They know nothing about her. "Then you won't care if we go after her then?" Nash smirked.

"No!" I shout."Just leave her you don't know what she's doing cause of us."

"And what is she doing?" Carter asked me. I was hesitant to say anything. "Sh-shes cutting."I continued "Because of us. Me and everyone in this school. Don't you see we made her life hell for a joke but she took it and start cutting her self because of it." I frowned.

"Wait how do you know this? Why did you even talk to her?" Matt asked.

"We had a history." They looked at me, i know they are cuious so i spit evrything out. From when we were young and to when they joined this school. Guilt struck on all of there faces. 

Taylor gulped "Oh shit."   

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