Shaken thoughts :Chapter 7

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She sat in awe and tears. I ruined her life haven't I? I straighten up and take in silence I'm used to except this time sharing it with my sister. "We need to get ready for school." I jump up and wipe at my wet cheeks. She stared at me before standing up herself and walking out my bathroom.

I turn on the shower and strip down to nothing. I step in the warm water coating my body instantly. The blood  that once was on my arm mixed in with the water washing away . I let out a little cry for help. This was the best time to let it all out because my tears can't be seen.

I stood in the full length mirror changed into what I could put together and sighed. I wore a floral top with a black leather jacket and white jeans, leaving my hair to be free to do what It liked. Satisfied, I head out with my bag as per my usual routine and walked down the creaky stairs of doom. I call it that because every time i walk downstairs was something bad waiting for me down there.

The kitchen lingered with a delicious smell. I licked my lips and wanted what ever in my mouth. I can't remember when I last ate something. "Morning mum." I smiled to my mum who had a busted lip. I frown as she signaled at my dad on the table drinking coffee and reading yesterdays newspaper. "Morning Dad." I say in a pessimistic voice. What you'd expect me to forgive him? He grunted in response like his dicky self.

"Mmm thats smells good mum." A laugh busted out behind me. I slowly turned around to my Dad faking to wipe a tear as if i was the funniest person in the world. "Course it would you fat bitch, now get your stupid sister and get the fuck out of here." I simply nod and say no more.

"Leela come one we're going." I stormed out and waited at the car.

Moments later came out a shaken Leela."Hey you alright?" I questioned her. 

"Yup" I wasn't convinced but she was already putting in her seat belt so I didn't say more and we drove to the hell hole in silence.....

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now