New boy :Chapter 17

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Next morning

I woke up pretty early giving me enough time to have a long hot shower. Something surprised me that i went 2 days clean without cutting, not that I'm going to stop. Its usual like this on weekends. No one there to cut because of.

I get changed into something casual because who the fuck am i supposed to impress, Am I Right Girls? I knock on Leela's door lightly "Leela wake up and get ready." No response. I charge into the room finding she wasn't in her room."Leela?" I looked in her bathroom. No sign of her. My heart raced. What if Dad came back?

I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. Leela was sitting on the stool having a yogurt. I panted heavily and placed a hand on my chest. "Woah what happened to you" She laughed. I was still tired to say anything. Thank god she's ok. I shook my head instead causing her to roll her eyes. I hate when other people do that when its with me i find it alright. Hypocrite much? I notice mum wasn't around probably passed out on her bed. I grab an apple and sit by Leela. The silence was filled with the crunching of my teeth against the red apple.

"Oh by the way Lee we have someone coming with us so you sit in the back"

"Who?"Just as she spoke my phone pinged and 'future bae' came on the screen. "New boy. Next door." I took another bite.I checked the message.

Tell me when your ready :)

-Future bae.

I chuckle and reply back

Come over whenever from now, also my sister is coming.

I lock my phone and wash my hands that was sticky from the apple. The door bell rang and Leela went over to answer I while I stayed in the kitchen scrolling through my phone. I hear laughter in the corridor of Leela's, I know that he's made a good first impression on her.

"Hey" I say with a small smile when Luke walked in. 

"Hey, you guys get ready so quick usually girls don't." He laughed.

"Well thats stereotypical.Anyways you've met Leela." I nodded at my sister who perched on the counter.

"Sup" She says making us laugh.I grab my keys and bag then passed Leela's hers.I wrote mum a note saying we've left then joined back with them. "You take so long come on" Leela moaned walking out the door .I laugh under my breath. Luke leans over and whispers in my ear "If you didn't take long then you wouldn't be my sexy bitch" a nervous shiver run down my spine, he winked then walked to the car calling shotgun.

I locked the door and got into the car not making eye contact with Luke because i knew i would make things awkward. 

The car ride was silent at the start till the music started and Selena Gomez started playing. "OMFG I LOVE THIS SONG!!!" Me and Luke shouted in (unexpected) unison.W e burst out laughing and screamed over the song.


The windows was rolled down and people was watching our car seeing us as crazy people. I look back at Luke. I've just met this boy and he's made me smile that's a big thing for me being the shittiest person to be friends with. "You know we are very much a like." He breaks my thoughts. "Oh really? "I ask."How so?"

"Well first of we like pretty much everything and we can sing badly in front of each other and not give a shit. If your like me then when you meet my friends you'll fit right in." Does he already know i don't have anyone? How would his reaction be when i go through the hall. I have to break it to him.

I park my car and Leela rushes out to her friends before we can get out."Wow someone is excited." Luke says. Thank god Leela has forgotten or at least not worrying about everything yesterday and is back to her same old self. I wish i had one day just one without the bullshit. Without depression and anxiety, i would not be the person who i am. When black clouds of despair descend and life seems pointless i try to think that one day in the future, perhaps this very day, a gentle breeze with blow the clouds away and allow the sunshine in. When that happens I'll be happy again. But i don't think people realize how sleepless nights can affect you or how over thinking slowly kills you. I don't think they know how it can turn your mind into thoughts you wish weren't yours. So they hurt me over and over.

I join Luke's side "Welcome to Omaha high."  

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now