Lose :Chapter 20

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Jacks P.O.V

I may sound like the biggest hypocrite but if i see that boy hurting her i will kill him .Luke, im talking about .Yeah he is funny but i can't help to get that rush of jealously when i saw him with Layla, holding hands. I followed this boy into the changing room my 'gang' following behind. "Can i help you." The obnoxious boy turns around asking to Taylor. 

" Yeah you can actually"

Me and Jack snicker in the back. "Layla is a 'friend' of ours." Taylor started. Where was he going with this? The last thing Layla wants to be is my friend clearly after how much I hurt her. "And if you hurt her we will hurt you" Taylor tried to say this sweetly. 

"And you guys haven't done enough?" Wait did she tell him? "I'm not going to hurt her that's the last thing I want to do. But you guys that's your job." I stepped forward.

"What did she tell you?" I asked. 

"She didn't tell me anything but judging by this" he said motioning to out huddled threatening group. "I can see why " I for one was left speechless. Motions speak for themselves and Layla's has shown she is scared. That's the last thing I needed. I wish I could take it back. I don't think Layla know this is hard for me as well, when you lose someone.

Layla's P.O.V

When you lose someone, when a close friend slowly starts to become a stranger, you begin to speak less. You don't speak about what really matters because the person you used to talk about your thoughts with isn't there anymore. Your heart hurts, it has been hurting since the day they left. You would give anything to have them in your life again, you would give anything to tell them about your days again and for them to tell you theirs.

 Every detail, everything that made them sad and everything that made them laugh. You imagine how are they living without you by their side. It's ok to miss someone. It's ok to feel lost and alone. It's ok to pray for them to be happy, it's okay to pray for them to be yours. It's true that many won't understand you the wa you wish they would. 

You're still here and you're fighting. When that person left, it felt like they took you with them, sometime you wish they had. Find light beneath the darkness, find hope where you think it cannot be found because one of these days the weight in you heart will feel lighter. One if these days you'll learn to live again.

This is what kept my fire lit. It kept me long it won't be long till it goes out...

My thoughts broke with the repeated sounds of clicking. Melissa was snapping her long fingers in my face "Where did you go" she laughed. "Come on let's play" We are on the football pitch playing well, football. One of the many sports I'm experienced in. The boys doing the same on the opposite side.

Melissa starts to run with the ball without me realizing. Two can play at that game. I sprint to her side an side tackled her, taking the ball and shooting it in the goal. "That was easy" I join back with my friend." How are you not tired" she panted. I shrugged clueless myself "GIRLS COME IN" Our teacher yelled at us.

We jog up to her "The boys are coming in to play with us, like a big foot ball game boys vs girls" omg kill me now just what I was dreading. I take a deep breath and relax my mind. When does this end...


I'm so sorry for dragging this but I'm updating this on my phone so I didn't want the really big parts updated on this cause it's not the same. When I do update next time it will be the actual class starting. I know how much you wanted to see it but you'll have to wait .Love you!!

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