Sluts :Chapter 18

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We walked while talking about his past turns out he's got friends from Australia coming over soon. We approached the old building and i stop at the great entrance. "Why'd you stop?" Luke asked. I held a deep breath before i had the strength to say it.

"I don't think you should walk in with me you know lets go separate."I muttered.I don't want him to be seen 'weird' for hanging, talking with me. He's new and our school will break him just like it did for me."Why not?" 

I needed to find courage to tell him to explain I'm not who i am when I'm at school.At home and around friends I'm that rebellious girl who don't give a fuck however at school I'm that quiet weird kid no one likes and beats up.

"Because they'll hurt you.I'm different OK! They hurt me for it and i don't want you to be hurt because of me or not have friends." I let out. He sighs and grabs my hand i look into his deep blue eyes. "I don't care what they think FOR SHIT" He pulls me into the hall. Everyone looks and stares at us.

"Omg why is she with him?" I hear someone say.I look down in embarrassment .I finally look up and Bailey is standing there talking to some boy.

She looks towards us and a smirk forms on her face seeing Luke clearly thinking to get him. Then her eyes land on me and our hands together she gasps and narrows her eyes. The boy she was talking to turns around. I gulp at who it was, it was Jack. He looked sad and slightly guilty. But i couldn't care less so I look away .But he looked so sad i feel so bad, that guilt was coming from me .I look again this time catching his eye as we walk pass he looked hurt.

"Slut" Bailey whispers as if we can't hear. Luke stops abruptly, i think he heard her. "Say that again I dare you." He pushes me behind him getting closer to her. She stiffens and gulps her face going red. I try so hard not to laugh so i bit on my lip."Say it again bimbo, your saying shes a slut when your boobs are practically coming out!"

"Jack do something." She says but Jacks stays still. He shakes her head  "Your on your own." He looks at me smiling making me let out a small laugh. She angers and stomps her foot.

Jack and I look at each other trying so hard not to laugh. "Yeah i didn't think so" Luke chuckles. I couldn't hold it longer then. I burst laughing and so does Jack she looks at him and clenches her teeth. It made him laugh harder. She walks away flicking her hair behind her. It was long till the three of us stopped laughing."Luke you were amazing." He blushed faintly. 


"Yeah man your jokes.I'm jack." Jack introduced him self to Luke as did he.The bell rings "I should get going, See you Luke. Bye Layla." I nod and smile at him he returns his showing all his teeth. A warmth spreads around in me."Come on Luke." I turn and take Luke to our first lesson which we have together.


Just a filler ♥  

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