The Bridge :Chapter 23

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//Important A/N at the end

Jack's P.O.V

Shit, what was she talking about? Where is she going? I tried to remember her words.

you are the reason I'm taking my life away by one of my favorite places .

She is going to kill herself. Shit, shit. Tears pricked my eyes "Yo dude you okay?" I looked towards the boy who was talking.

"No mate Layla she.." I couldn't talk i needed to know where she was going.I cant have her dying not today not ever. "Did you love her?" He asked.

"Of course i loved her.It was the type of love i never knew i had until she was gone.And our relationship expired. She's gone"

"Can't you get it back?" He replied.

"If i had the power to get her back and erase all the pain I caused her, I would.But I cant because I don't know where the fuck shes gone" I punched the closest thing next to me, not Luke the locker. Fresh blood poured down my knuckle and stung like a bitch but i don't fucking care."Think, where could she go." Luke sounded worried. I tried to think where she'd like to go.Our place?  No. The beach?  No.The bridge?  Maybe....

"I don't know, the bridge maybe?" I looked at Luke and he nodded."I'll drive"

Layla's P.O.V

No one would find me here so why not take my time. This place to me means a lot holds the greatest memories, so to take my life here would make it even better knowing it would make so many life's happy. I scribbled down my last words on a piece of paper I ripped out. Put it in my bag labeled : When i die

I put my bag down to the rock i was sitting on and went to the bridges side. I gripped the cold metal and looked down to the crashing waves against the Grey boulders.I  stepped over the metal bars, one leg after the other, standing right at the edge. I took a deep breath "I'm sorry" I shut my eyes and I let go.


Hey hey hey, the story is coming to an end *Frown* Let us read the last chapters together.

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now