Pulled :Chapter 24

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 What? Why haven't I hit the bottom? I opened my tightly shut eyes. The crashing waves were still there instead something was holding me back .My breathing quickened when i was pulled back up, i was pulled back over the iron railing .Tears poured out my eyes.

 Why couldn't i just die? I was pulled into a chest, I was still crying.

I pushed away from who could changed my decision, who faltered my plan.

Jack. Jack?Jack!

Mixed emotions about him was rushing through my body. I lost my temper "Why did you save me!My didn't you let me die thats what you've always wanted! Your the one who hit me first, told me to go die and now you fucking saving me." I repeatedly pushed him. My face was wet and my anger poured through it. His own was too, he was crying.

But its true, i hate Jack for changing, for supporting such dicks but what I'm really mad/sad about is what he did. He was the first to raise his hand at me.


Life is hard.School, friends, home all of this is really annoying me. Especially when the new boys came calling themselves the Magcon boys, came and took the person i needed most Jack. He's changed like now he isn't talking to me and worst of he cheated on me but played it off to the as I was an crazy ex who was still madly in love with him.

I put my books into my locker and closed it. School finished and I'm ready to go home not that I'm expecting anything less there. The halls silenced. I turned around, the bad ass crew walked down the hallway including Jack. 

Everyone stepped out their way, they don't dare walking in front of them everyone except me. I kept walking in front of them "Oi you whore walked some where else" One of the boys said. I don't know their names nor do I want to learn them i got better stuff to do.

I ignored him and kept walking. The boy pulled me back making him face me, his brown orbs staring in my soul "Fucking listen to us or..." 

I gave a 'what are you going to do?" look."Or what?" i smirked."Layla stop and just go" Jack said. I shot a death glare and he shut up.

"Oh so you know Jack.How?" I don't answers nor does him.Someone shouts behind them "They used to date" 

The group laughed "You used to date her!"

"This is what I'm going to do, since Jack doesn't love you hes going to show you why not to mess with us." Jack looked shocked but I had a gut feeling he wasn't going to do anything. He couldn't.

Jack stepped closer, angry for some reason, just a show i think to myself. I shivered from this fear. Usually he gave a nice vibe but this was different. "I gave a warning, a chance but now its too late" He shouted in my face.

"What are you going to do you douche." I insulted back.

He hand rose, pulling back for a slap.

That was when he broke my heart, no. not heart. he broke me.

*End of flashback*

"I'm so sorry so so sorry My baby girl. Please hide my tears when i say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same .My mind had a really hard time knowing your gone, but my heart refuses to accept it. I love you. I love you so fucking much since the day we met you were beautiful. I promised to keep the demons away from you to protect me but who would've known they went to me.And i let them in they changed me just to get liked i hurt you. I didn't know how much it hurt you till i saw how much you were suffering. 

Your cutting on your arms it make me look in disgust of my self i made you do that.I should've sticked up for you but i was a pussy. The boys are sorry too and I'm too.I hope you realize how much i truly care for you.I led you to this, My baby girl."

"You promised to take care of me but you hurt me, You promised to bring me joy but you brought me tears, you promised me you love but you gave me pain, I promised you nothing and gave you everything.I've poured warmth into you for so long and you love it, I know you do. Then you turn on the cold to shut me down. It hurts. Every time is a new wound, a new scar to add to the collection. You know it never stops me loving you, but I need you to try real hard, try not to go cold in that way. The hurt covers me like a cloak I never wanted, bonding to my skin when all I ever wanted was the sunshine."

"You love me?" I looked into his red puffy eyes.

"Yes" i mumbled.

"Then don't go, don't leave me. I need you"

"Your better without me Jack, everyone is." I say softly.

"I love you too."

I hesitantly looked up at him. The swirls of emotion I saw there made me gasp. Lust and desire. However, before I could ponder about it further, he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. As our lips crushed together, I felt like i was walking on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips soft just like always.

Jack broke me, he was my forever but who would've thought he brought me back together even if he was my bully♥


AHAHAHAHAHHA ITS THE END OF A AMAZING STORY THAT HAD GONE SO FAR♥ I cried a little at the end.There is going to be a sequel soon but not that soon because i want a break☺ But thank you for those who have always been there and loved the stories.Thanks to who gave amazing comments to make me continue it.I love you guys and will update when the sequel is out, Love you!!!!  

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