Understand : Chapter 1

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(Warning this story would have some swearing)

Beep beep. Beep beep.

 My reflexes kick in and I force myself to roll over to press snooze. 6:30 am. Groaning, I force myself to get out of my warm bed to wake my little sister Leela. You don't know I'm her own person alarm clock, chauffeur and chef among many other things.

Oh by the way, my names Layla, I'm 18 and still struggling to fight my corner in school. 

 I live with my mum, but she's useless to the name. Ever since I was a child she has been abusing drugs and using alcohol. It started when our dad left and its only gotten worse since.

That's one of the reasons as to why I'm so close to my sister. I love her with all my heart and anything that happens to her I can't ever stand it. She's my best friend. My only real friend. 

I had one old best friend but he loved the attention and soon chucked me away for some pricks as it turns out popularity is more important then someone you knew forever.

  "Leela! Yo Leelaaa. Wake your lazy ass up or we will be late for school." I rip the blanket off her and shake her petite little body.

"OKAY I GET IT I'M AWAKE" I chuckle leaving her room  knowing shes awake.

As part of my routine every day I head straight to my shower. I start the lukewarm water and feel the warm liquid rushing down my hair, my body and my arms. The water cascaded down my arms. I gasp at the sudden sting as it touches my broken skin.

It is the only way i would feel better. Its the only way I could feel something. 

I hop out the shower exposing myself to the cold air. The shivers it gave me made me plunge for my big towel for some warmth. I stroll over to my cupboard to ask my self the most dreaded question of the day, what do I wear?. Is it a all black day? like everyday?

"Hey." Leela says walking in invading my privacy like always. "Outfit trouble?"

I sigh "Yes, like always."

"Here put this on" I watch her rummage through my clothes putting the pieces together. She always had a fashionable taste. I raise a eyebrow from her choice. Its nice but it wouldn't suit me. Heck I don't even know if it still fits me. "Wouldn't hurt to have a little colour." 

Shes not wrong. I put on the floral crop top with some black tattered jeans and some simple black vans. I stand infront of the mirror. If only my hips weren't this big or my shoulders weren't this wide.

I blow dry my crazy dark hair and sat myself down in front of my make up desk.  Makeup helps me hide my imperfections, like a mask. If i could I wouldn't even touch the stuff but peoples words force me to cake my face to the best i can. I swipe a mild coverage of foundation on my pale skin and also attempted a winged eyeliner and a bit of mascara right after curling my eyelashes. 

Why do i have to do this?

I drag myself downstairs seeing Leela eating a apple for breakfast. My eyes glance at the clock nailed to the kitchen wall, 7:45am. "Shit" I curse to myself.

 "We have to leave, or we will be late" I say shoving my books in my bag. We live on top of a hill and its quite far from the main city but by car it's not that long to get there. However if we didn't leave now we would be late enough to get a detention. I'm used to a empty stomach, breakfast isn't always the most important meal of the day.

"Hurry Leela, we need to get to school." She simply nodded in response and got off the kitchen island to follow me to my car.

~ At school ~

(I'm from England so if I'm wrong in anything here I'm sorry)

 I parked my car at the back of the school; this is usually where no one goes as it's the drop off for kids who don't want to be seen with their parents. I undo my seat belt and hopped out my car along with Leela.

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